


Der Citizen Kane der Videospiele

citizen kane 01

In den letzten Jahren gab es viel Gerede über den „Citizen Kane“ der Videospiele – dieses eine Werk, das die Welt des Gaming ins kollektive kulturelle Bewusstsein rückt und alle Neinsager davon überzeugt, dass Videospiele wirklich Kunst sind.

Nun ist dieses lange ersehnte Spiel endlich da. Unser Citizen Kane ist erschienen.Citizen Kane: das JRPG.

For years, video games have been moving further and further away from “toys” and more towards their one true goal: To Be Art.
With C. Kane, the dream of a thousand indie game designers has finally been fulfilled. Critics have asked when games would get their own Citizen Kane; we have answered their question. The answer is right now, in this game whose manual you are reading. Thank you for supporting Games As Art!
C. Kane is a short form turn-based RPG that streamlines the genre to its basics; fighting monsters, talking to people, playing dress up. Dungeons are minimalist, graphics are monochrome. Random battles are no more, bosses are numerous. A Shark guides the way. An original hip hop soundtrack provides the beats.

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