Kerrigans Rache beschert uns in Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm nicht nur eine neue Story und neue Einheiten, sondern auch zahllose neue Achievements, denen die Spieler wie besessen nachjagen können. Die meisten der Achievements des Multiplayer-Teils wurden vom Hauptspiel übernommen, aber in der Einzelspielerkampagne warten nun viel mehr Herausforderungen auf den geneigten Spieler. Hier finden Sie alle optionalen Aufgaben/Zielvorgaben, Time-Trials (Prüfungen gegen die Zeit) und Kill-Counts für die Kampagne.
Dies sind noch nicht alle Achievements in Heart of the Swarm. Schauen Sie wieder einmal vorbei, ich werde weitere hinzufügen, sobald sie bekannt sind.
Work in Progress
I. Umoja Missionen
Lab Rat (10 points):
Complete the “Lab Rat” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Mighty Mouse (10 points):
Destroy 35 Sentry Bots in the “Lab Rat” mission.
Rat Race (10 points):
Complete the “Lab Rat” mission in less than 10 minutes on Normal difficulty.
Back In The Saddle (10 points):
Complete the “Back In The Saddle” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Full Throttle (10 points):
Complete the “Prevent the Dominion from destroying a tram engine during the tram ride in the “Back In The Saddle” mission.
Brutal Legend (10 points):
Don’t take any damage from the Archangel in the “Back In The Saddle” mission on normal difficulty.
Rendezous (10 points):
Complete the “Rendezvous” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
First Strike (10 points):
Destroy 15 enemy structures before Naktul’s forces arrive in the “Rendezvous” mission.
Zerg Saves The Queen (10 points):
Rescue all trapped Swarm Queens before Naktul’s forces arrive in the “Rendezvous” mission on Normal difficulty.
Bonus Objectives: Umoja (10 points):
Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Umoja Missions.
Umoja Missions (20 points):
Complete all the Umoja Mission achievements.
II. Char Missionen
Domination (10 points):
Complete the “Domination” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Poached Eggs (10 points):
Hatch all 6 Baneling Nests in the “Domination” mission before collecting 100 eggs.
No Egg For You (10 points): (Achievement Guide Below)
Don’t let Zagara collect an Egg in the “Domination” mission on Normal difficulty.
Fire In The Sky (10 points):
Complete the “Fire in the Sky” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Red Alert (10 points):
Don’t let 5 units die to the Gorgon Battlecruiser in the “Fire in the Sky” mission.
Conquer & Command (10 points):
Destroy 3 Orbital Command structures in the “Fire in the Sky” mission on Normal difficulty.
Old Soldiers (10 points):
Complete the “Old Soldiers” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Nuclear Launch Rejected (10 points):
Destroy 20 enemy structures before the 1st Nuclear Strike in the “Old Soldiers” mission.
Recalled Down the Thunder (10 points):
Complete the “Old Soldiers” mission in less than 20 minutes on Normal difficulty.
Bonus Objectives: Char (10 points):
Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Char Missions.
Char Missions (20 points):
Complete all the Char Mission achievements.
III. Kaldir Missionen
Harvest of Screams (10 points):
Complete the “Harvest of Screams” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Ice Breaker (10 points):
Destroy 20 unfrozen enemy structures in the “Harvest of Screams” mission. (Achievement Guide Below)
Storm Chaser (10 points):
Complete the “Harvest of Screams” mission in less than 15 minutes on Normal difficulty.
Shoot the Messenger (10 points):
Complete the “Shoot the Messenger” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Warp in Peace (10 points):
Don’t let a Protoss Shuttle begin Warping Out in the “Shoot the Messenger” mission.
Extreme Nexism (10 points):
Destroy 2 Protoss Nexuses in the “Shoot the Messenger” mission on Normal difficulty.
Enemy Within (10 points):
Complete the “Enemy Within” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Biomass Effect (10 points):
Collect 450 biomass in the “Enemy Within” mission.
Failure to Launch (10 points):
Don’t let an Escape Pod reach less than 20 seconds in the “Enemy Within” mission on Normal difficulty.
Bonus Objectives: Kaldir (10 points):
Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Kaldir Missions.
Kaldir Missions (20 points):
Complete all the Kaldir Mission achievements.
IV. Zerus Missionen
Waking the Ancient (10 points):
Complete the “Waking the Ancient” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
A Game of Drones (10 points):
Don’t lose more than 3 Drones in the “Waking the Ancient” mission.
Rude Awakening (10 points):
Kill 4 Primal Hives in the “Waking the Ancient” mission on Normal difficulty.
The Crucible (10 points):
Complete “The Crucible” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Epic Meal Time (10 points):
Kill 75 enemy units with Primal Spawn Locusts in “The Crucible” mission.
Can’t Touch This Chrysalis (10 points):
Complete “The Crucible” mission without Kerrigan’s Chrysalis taking damage on Normal difficulty.
Supreme (10 points):
Complete the “Supreme” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Endangered Species (10 points):
Kill 500 enemy units with Kerrigan in the “Supreme” mission.
Queen of the Jungle (10 points):
Complete the “Supreme” mission without letting Kerrigan drop below 100 life on Normal difficulty.
Bonus Objectives: Zerus (10 points):
Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Zerus Missions.
Zerus Missions (20 points):
Complete all the Zerus Mission achievements.
V. Skygeirr Missionen
Just Getting Inside (10 points):
Complete the “Infested” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Master of Puppets (10 points):
Kill 60 enemy units with Parasitic Dominated terran units in the “Infested” mission.
Spreading the Disease (10 points):
Infest all Garrisons without losing a Virophage in the “Infested” mission on Normal difficulty.
Hand of Darkness (10 points):
Complete the “Hand of Darkness” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Shattered Command (10 points):
Destroy 2 Command Centers in the “Hand of Darkness” mission.
Power Underwhelming (10 points):
Destroy 3 Hybrid Holding Cells before the Hybrid are released in “Hand of Darkness” on Normal difficulty.
Phantoms of the Void (10 points):
Complete the “Phantoms of the Void” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
The Phantoms Menaced (10 points):
Kill 2 Hybrid within 20 seconds of each other in the “Phantoms of the Void” mission on Normal difficulty.
Stukov Strikes Back (10 points):
Don’t let Stukov die in the “Phantoms of the Void” mission.
Bonus Objectives: Skygeirr (10 points):
Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Skygeirr Missions.
Skygeirr Missions (20 points):
Complete all the Skygeirr Mission achievements.
VI. Space (Weltraum) Missionen
With Friends Like These… (10 points):
Complete the “With Friends Like These…” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
MinedCraft (10 points):
Collect every mineral pickup with the Hyperion in the “With Friends Like These…” mission.
Space Ace (10 points):
Don’t let a Mag Mine hit the Hyperion in the “With Friends Like These…” mission on Normal difficulty.
Conviction (10 points):
Complete the “Conviction” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Staying Alive (10 points):
Prevent Kerrigan’s life from dropping below 50% in the “Conviction” mission.
Saturday Night Fever (10 points):
Reach the Prison Deck with Kerrigan in less than 8 minutes in the “Conviction” mission on Normal difficulty.
Bonus Objectives: Space Missions (10 points):
Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Space Missions.
Space Missions (20 points):
Complete all the Space Mission achievements.
VII. Finale Missionen
Planetfall (10 points):
Complete the “Planetfall” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Fully Operational (10 points):
Don’t lose a Bile Launcher in the “Planetfall” mission.
Death Start (10 points):
Destroy 3 Augustgrad Gates before the 5th Bile Launcher lands in the “Planetfall” mission on Normal difficulty.
Terran Up the Sky (10 points):
Destroy 20 enemy structures before the 2nd Psi Destroyer field activation in the “Death From Above” mission.
Apex Predator (10 points):
Don’t let Dehaka die while destroying a Power Link in the “Death From Above” mission on Normal difficulty.
Death From Above (10 points):
Complete the “Death from Above” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Terran Up the Sky (10 points):
Destroy 20 enemy structures before the 2nd Psi Destroyer field activation in the “Death From Above” mission.
Apex Predator (10 points):
Don’t let Dehaka die while destroying a Power Link in the “Death From Above” mission on Normal difficulty.
The Reckoning (10 points):
Complete the “The Reckoning” mission in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Swarm Guardian (10 points):
Prevent the Hyperion from taking damage in “The Reckoning” mission.
Zerg Rush (10 points):
Complete “The Reckoning” mission in less than 25 minutes on Normal difficulty.
Bonus Objectives: Final Missions (10 points):
Complete all Bonus Objectives in each of the Final Missions.
Final Missions (20 points):
Complete all the Final Mission achievements.
Story Achievements
Umoja Missions (10 points):
Complete the Umoja Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Kaldir Missions (10 points):
Complete the Kaldir Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Char Missions (10 points):
Complete the Char Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Visionary (10 points):
On Char, teach Zagara what it means to be the ruler of the Swarm.
Judgement Day (10 points):
Discover Zeratul’s next destination.
Fashion Statement (10 points):
Show off your new look to the following characters [Izsha, Abathur, Zurvan].
Zerus Missions (10 points):
Complete the Zerus Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Xel’Naga Secrets (10 points):
Discover the true purpose of the Xel’Naga Artifact while at the Skygeirr Platform.
Skygeirr Missions (10 points):
Complete the Skygeirr Station missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
For the Swarm! (10 points):
Mutate each Zerg unit in the Evolution Pit.
Kerrigan Power: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 (10 points each):
Reach Kerrigan Level 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Space Missions (10 points):
Complete the Space Missions in the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
StarTours (10 points):
Click on each object viewable from the Leviathan.
Swarm Domination (10 points):
Complete all Kerrigan Level, Army mutation, and Evolution mission achievements.
Abathur’s Cookbook (10 points):
Complete all the Evolution missions.
Rally the Troops (10 points):
Speak to the following characters before assaulting Mengsk’s Palace on Korhal [Abathur, Zagara, Dehaka, Stukov, Izsha].
Heart of the Swarm (10 points):
Complete the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
Heart of the Swarm: Normal 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 (10 points each):
Complete 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Normal difficulty.
Heart of the Swarm: Hard 5 / 10 /15 / 20 (10 points each):
Complete 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Hard difficulty.
Heart of the Swarm: Burtal 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 (10 points each):
Complete 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Heart of the Swarm campaign missions on Brutal difficulty.
Kerrigan Achievements
Smoking Corpses (10 points):
Kill 50 enemy units or structures with Kinetic Blast.
Leaping Death (10 points):
Deal 15,000 damage with Leaping Strike.
Get a Grip (10 points):
Target and hit 150 enemy units with Crushing Grip.
Unchained (10 points):
Deal 5,000 damage with Chain Reaction.
Shifted Priorities (10 points):
Deal 5,000 damage with Psionic Shift.
Endless Swarm (10 points):
Reconstitute 500 Zerglings with Zergling Reconstitution.
Where the Wild Things Are (10 points):
Target and hit 100 friendly units with Wild Mutation.
So Many Banelings! (10 points):
Kill 100 enemy units or structures with Spawn Banelings.
Worker Rush (10 points):
Morph 36 sets of Drones with the Twin Drones ability active.
Surprise! (10 points):
Kill 100 enemy units with the Infest Broodlings ability active.
To The Limit (10 points):
Maintain Kerrigan’s Fury for 60 seconds with Fury.
Spammer (10 points):
Use 4 abilities within 10 seconds with Ability Efficiency.
Air Drop (10 points):
Use Drop-Pods 3 times in a single mission.
Release The Kraken (10 points):
Use a Leviathan to kill 25 enemy units or structures in a single mission.
Apocalypse Now (10 points):
Use Apocalypse to kill 50 enemy units or structures in a single mission.
Kerrigan Domination (20 points):
Complete all the Kerrigan achievements.
Mastery (Herrrschaft/Msiterschaft) Achievements
Mad Dash (10 points):
Destroy 3 Factories in the “Lab Rat” mission in less than 10 minutes on Hard difficulty.
Nick of Time (10 points):
Complete “Back in the Saddle” with more than 40 seconds on each lockdown on Hard difficulty.
Premature Evacuation (10 points):
Destroy all Dominion Structures in the “Rendezvous” mission before Naktul’s brood arrives on Hard difficulty.
Shutout (10 points):
Destroy Zagara’s base in the “Domination” mission in less than 14 minutes on Hard difficulty before collecting 100 eggs.
Going, Going, Gorgon! (10 points):
Destroy 4 Gorgon Battlecruisers within 120 seconds in the “Fire in the Sky” mission on Hard difficulty.
Home Wrecker (10 points):
Destroy the Planetary Fortress in the “Old Soldiers” mission before the nuclear strike on Hard difficulty.
Psi-lence is Golden (10 points):
Complete all objectives in less than 12 minutes in the “Harvest of Screams” mission on Hard difficulty.
My Cool Bay Explosions (10 points):
Destroy all 3 Protoss Docking Bays in the “Shoot the Messenger” mission on Hard difficulty.
Monster Smash (10 points):
Kill 15 units with the Giant Ursadon in the “Enemy Within” mission on Hard difficulty.
Whack-A-Brakk (10 points):
Kill 15 units with the Giant Ursadon in the “Don’t let Brakk destroy any Biomass in the “Waking the Ancient” mission on Hard difficulty.
Short Life Expectancy (10 points):
Kill the Tyrannozor in under 1 minute after it appears in “The Crucible” mission on Hard difficulty.
Whose Queen Reigns Supreme? (10 points):
Complete the “Supreme” mission in less than 12 minutes on Hard difficulty.
Once, Twice, Three Times Malady (10 points):
Complete the “Infested” mission before the Dominion Gas the Platform a 3rd time on Hard difficulty.
Dominion Domination (10 points):
Kill 3 Hybrid Dominators with Terran units in the “Hand of Darkness” mission on Hard difficulty.
No-toss (10 points):
Destroy all Protoss structures in the “Phantoms of the Void” mission on Hard difficulty.
Ludicrous Speed! (10 points):
Complete the “With Friends Like These…” mission in less than 11 minutes on Hard difficulty.
Fast Break (10 points):
Complete the “Conviction” mission in less than 10 minutes on Hard difficulty.
Crash The Party (10 points):
Destroy all Dominion structures in the “Planetfall” mission before the 5th Bile Launcher lands on Hard difficulty.
Speed Bump (10 points):
Destroy the Odin in “The Reckoning” mission before Mengsk sends it at Raynor on Hard difficulty.
Weitere Guides, Tipps und Cheats für StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm
StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm – Cheat Codes
StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm - Easter Eggs & versteckte Anspielungen
StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm – Einheiten-Guide
StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm - Kerrigans Fähigkeiten [Guide]
StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm – Pylon Poweraid eSports Easter Egg
StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm – So können Sie Einheiten tanzen und jubeln lassen [Easter Egg]
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