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The Evil Within – Cheats und Tipps


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Willkommen bei der Sammlung von Cheats und Informationen für The Evil Within, Bethesdas wirklich furchterregendes Survival-Horror-Spiel, das gerade rechtzeitig vor den gruseligsten Tagen des Jahres erschien

Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, mit eimerweise Blut konfrontiert zu werden, während Sie von seltsamen und sehr beängstigenden Wesen, die der Phantasie eines Psychopathen entsprungen sind, durch die Gänge einer zerstörten Irrenanstalt gejagt werden. Erwarten Sie sich keine feinen Andeutungen und keine Raffinesse, denn Kettensägen schwingende Verrückte zerstückeln Schwärme halbtoter Leiber und möchten auch Sie zu Hackfleisch verarbeiten, sondern konzentrieren Sie sich ganz darauf, am Leben zu bleiben. Die hier versammelten Tipps und Guides sollen Ihnen dabei helfen, jedes Killer-Kapitel zu überleben.

Nachdem Sie die Kampagne erfolgreich bewältigt haben? Dann kommt die Cheats-Seite so richtig ins Spiel. Alles, was Ihr Spielerlebnis verlängern und verbessern kann, seien es Easter Eggs, Dinge, die Sie freischalten können, oder sonstige Boni, wird hier aufgelistet. Schauen Sie immer wieder einmal vorbei, denn es wird Updates geben. Lassen Sie sich nur von der Angst nicht verrückt machen.

Cheats und Tipps

Updates folgen.

The Evil Within PC – So kommen Sie zu unendlich viel Munition, so werden Sie unverwundbar und mehr (Konsolenbefehle & Cheat Codes)

The Evil Within – Unlockable Weapons & Games Modes Guide (Freischaltbare Waffen und Spielmodi)

Liste der Achievements

First Step into Darkness (30 points):
Completed the game on Casual difficulty.

Another Day on the Job (40 points):
Completed the game on Survival difficulty.

Master of Horror (50 points):
Completed the game on Nightmare difficulty.

Every Nook and Cranny (30 points):
Collected every collectable in the game.

Master of Unlocking (15 points):
Opened up all the lockers in the save room.

Hardbody (30 points):
Fully upgraded all of Sebastian’s attributes.

My Best Friend (10 points):
Completely upgraded one weapon.

The Power of Three (25 points):
Completely upgraded three weapons.

Unstoppable Arsenal (40 points):
Completely upgraded all weapons.

Why Can’t I Hold All This Ammo? (20 points):
Upgraded all options in the Stock menu.

Blow Up the Playing Field (25 points):
Killed 10 enemies using the Rocket Launcher.

Full House (10 points):
Killed 5 enemies with each type of Agony Bolt.

Silent Kill (20 points):
Killed 5 enemies in a row with a sneak kill without being discovered.

Burn, Baby, Burn! (10 points):
Killed 5 enemies with a torch.

…And the Corpses Mount (10 points):
Killed 30 enemies.

Krimson PD Fury (20 points):
Killed 200 enemies.

One Man Army (35 points):
Killed 400 enemies.

Ammo Conservationist (10 points):
Killed 25 enemies with melee attacks.

Bloody Bar Brawl (10 points):
Sneak Killed an enemy after hitting them with a bottle.

Drop It Like It’s Hot (10 points):
Killed 3 living enemies with one drop of a match.

The Quick and the Dead (45 points):
Finished the game with a clear time of under 5:00:00.

It Is What It Is (60 points):
Finished the game without upgrading any skills with green gel.

You Asked For It (60 points):
Finished the game on 悪夢(AKUMU) mode.

À la Corvo (15 points):
Opened the gate to the village without killing a single enemy in Chapter 2.

Knife Beats Chainsaw (40 points):
Took out the Sadist with a sneak kill in Chapter 3.

Home is Where the Hospice is (15 points):
Experienced the vision in the Hospice in Chapter 4.

Not Part of the Job Description (25 points):
Rescued Kidman without Joseph taking any damage in Chapter 5.

Everybody Gets One (5 points):
Saved Joseph from falling off a ledge in Chapter 6.

I Don’t Have Time for This! (10 points):
Escaped from the Catacombs killing only 2 Keepers in Chapter 7.

Item Management (10 points):
Finished Chapter 8 without firing a single weapon.

Bathed in Flames (25 points):
Defeated Laura before riding the elevator in Chapter 10.

Not a Scratch on Her! (15 points):
Drove down the highway without hitting a single enemy in Chapter 12.

Entry Level Electrician (15 points):
Powered up all electrical equipment simultaneously in the subway in Chapter 14.

Geheime Achievements

Weapon of Choice (20 points):
Defeated the Sadist within the village.

Old Flame (20 points):
Finished off a shrieking beast.

Two on Two (25 points):
Took out both guardians before the church.

What’s In The Box?! (20 points):
Escaped the Keeper beneath the catacombs.

The First, Not the Last (40 points):
Ended a monstrosity in the underground garage.

Arachnophobia (15 points):
Outran a gigantic threat in the city.

Slither into Oblivion (25 points):
Removed an invisible enemy from the equation.

One of the Many (45 points):
Defeated the ultimate evil within.

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