Aktivieren Sie mit Hilfe meiner Assassin’s Creed Rogue Cheats Seite die HUNTED, ENDURANCE oder VETERAN Cheats , denn in Ubisofts Abenteuer für die Konsolen der letzten Generation tauchen tatsächlich Codes auf, und zwar in der Form von Nebenmissionsaktivitäten (side-quest activities), die Superkräfte freischalten und unseren Templer herausfordern, scheinbar Aussichtsloses zu wagen.
Es handelt sich dabei zwar nicht um traditionelle Cheat Codes, aber sie sind bei weitem nicht die einzigen Geheimnisse, die darauf warten, entdeckt zu werden. Schauen Sie immer wieder einmal vorbei, denn es wird laufend neue Informationen zu den Besonderheiten des Spiels geben. .
Cheats und Tipps
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Assassin's Creed Rogue – Ubisoft-Spiele Anspielungen & Easter Eggs
Liste der Achievements
Halcyon days (10 points):
Complete sequence 1
The end of youth (20 points):
Complete sequence 2
Making new friends (20 points):
Complete sequence 3
Picking teams (20 points):
Complete sequence 4
One legend dies, and one is born (20 points):
Complete sequence 5
Brotherhood broken (20 points):
Complete sequence 6
No page unturned (20 points):
Complete the final glitched memory.
Templar then; Templar now (50 points):
Complete the game
Achieve full synchronization (50 points):
Achieve 100% synchronization in all main missions
Capture all Gang HQs (30 points):
Capture All Gang HQs
Stalker killer (20 points):
Counter-Kill 30 Stalkers
Property Tycoon (20 points):
Complete all renovations
Dedicated Employee (20 points):
Complete 35 Abstergo Challenges
Phantom Queen (20 points):
Fully Upgrade the Morrigan
Camper (20 points):
Loot 20 supply camps
What’s yours is mine (20 points):
Loot 20 ship convoys
Do not want (20 points):
Counter 20 smoke bombs successfully using a gas mask
Repairman (10 points):
Repair all computers in Abstergo Entertainment
Cartographer (20 points):
Visit every location in the game
Ancient Hero (20 points):
Get the Native Armour
Knight of Yore (20 points):
Get the Templar Armour
Globe Trotter (20 points):
Complete 17 story missions in the Naval Campaign
Memory collector (20 points):
Collect all Animus fragments
Owned (20 points):
Complete every activity in a single location.
For the Empire! (30 points):
Capture all Forts
I’ll take that (20 points):
Capture all settlements
Master of the North Atlantic (50 points):
All legendary Battles Completed
Smashing (10 points):
Destroy 100 Ice Bergs
Ice Breaker (10 points):
Break through 500 meters of Ice Sheets
Freedom Fighter (20 points):
Free 300 British PoW’s
Unicorn Slayer (10 points):
Harpoon a Narwhal
Defence First (10 points):
Survive a Reverse-Boarding
Denied (20 points):
Counter 15 air surprise attacks
King of the Hill (20 points):
Complete all Native hills and Ice Caves
Ninja (20 points):
Complete an Outpost without getting detected
Instant Vikings (20 points):
Hit 5 enemies with the berserk grenade (at the same time)
Nap Time (20 points):
Put 5 enemies to sleep with the sleep grenade (at the same time)
This war of mine (30 points):
Complete all Assassin interceptions
Hunt the hunted (20 points):
Sink 10 ships in North Atlantic without dying while only the HUNTED cheat is active.
I ENDURE (20 points):
Sink 10 ships in North Atlantic without dying while only the ENDURANCE cheat is active.
Supplier (30 points):
Take over 10 large supply camps while only the VETERANS cheat is active.
Killing machine (30 points):
Kill 30 guards without dying while only the ENDURANCE cheat is active.
Weitere Assassin’s Creed Guides und Extras:
Assassin's Creed Unity – So können Sie im Co-op-Modus schnell Geld verdienen (Farming Guide)
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