Bloodborne ist ein schwieriges Spiel, doch der Wille der Spieler in aller Welt ist stärker. Es mag als spiritueller Nachfolger der sehr beliebten Souls Serie gehandelt werden, aber in Wahrheit unterscheidet es sich deutlich von diesen Spielen. Es ist schwierig, aber auf seine ureigenste Art.
Redditors haben sich zusammengetan, um einander dabei zu helfen, die Gefahren von Bloodborne zu meistern. Die Fangemeinde ist extrem engagiert und es ist schön, solche Kameradschaft in der Welt der Videospiele zu sehen. Ein gewisser seanwise11, hat einen hilfreichen und ziemlich umfangreichen Guide zusammengestellt, der Ihnen genau erklärt, wie Sie die mächtige "Blade of Mercy" Waffe bekommen können, ehe Sie die erste Bosskampf-Arena betreten. Dieser Nutzer ist ein sehr fleißiger Spieler und weiß, wovon er spricht, denn er hat Bloodborne bereits 12 Mal durchgespielt.
Hier ist seine interessante und wirklich hilfreiche Methode:
1) Create your character (Offtopic, but I really recommend Cruel Fate as an ideal origin for a Skill build), and select the hunters axe or saw cleaver as your first weapon.
2) You can kill the villagers or simply run past them. Run to the brothel with the laughing woman (Bordell mit der lachenden Frau) where you can roll through the crates and end up in the area just before the bridge to Eileen's location with the dog cages. For those of you who are unsure of what I mean, its just after the courtyard with the burning werewolf and the mob of villagers. (Nach dem Hof mit dem brennenden Werwolf)
3) Head to Eileen's location, grab your free gesture and bold marks, and then kill her. There are a few ways to cheese her, one of them being shown here in Host Chan's video: You can also bait her into falling into the lower section of the sewers for massive damage by luring her onto the wooden catwalk and having her attack. Either way, find the method that works best for you and kill her and grab her badge.
4) Now that you have the Crowhunter Badge, you need a whopping 40k souls in order to buy the Blade of Mercy. Remember, the plan here is to buy them without killing any bosses nor dedicating a lot of time to farming, wherein you could die and lose the souls.
5) We do this by utilizing the Forbidden Woods skip, which is accessed by the first Executioner enemy (the cloaked guy with the axe) in Central Yharnam. This video by TheFeebleSheep demonstrates how to do so: I personally recommend using the axe or cleavers charge attack to get over the fence as opposed to doing the 2nd jump shown in the video. You can easily do this by standing by the sand pile on the ledge and charge attacking on an angle into the one tree.
6) Open the gate so you don't have to worry about doing the jump again should you mess up and die. Climb down the 2 sets of ladders, and run past the giants and the poison water and head outside of that cave where you will see caged dogs, kill all the dogs in the cages and doubleback through the poison water with the giants to Iosefca's clinic to utilize this exp glitch shown here in kenny stimmel's video: Personally, I only used the glitch to get exactly enough blood echos in order to buy the Blade of Mercy, as I did not want to cheat the system too much and obliterate any challenge from the early game. However, if you felt so inclined, you could gather well beyond the blood echos required for the Blade of Mercy and bolster your levels right off the bat.
7) Enjoy your early Blade of Mercy which you can now play through the entire game with prior to any bosses and with minimal headache / time invested!
Bloodborne – Chalice Dungeons Tipps: Feinde, Beute, Taktiken
Bloodborne – Geheime Bereiche und Gegenstände (Guide)
Bloodborne – Ein hilfreicher Guide zu den verwirrenden Multiplayer-Optionen
Bloodborne – Multiplayertipps: Töten Sie Eindringlinge, PvP-Tricks
Bloodborne – New Game + Tipps: Besorgen Sie sich das gebogene Schwert Burial Blade, konzentrieren Sie sich auf einen Arcane Build
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