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Mortal Kombat X – Fatalities und Brutalities für alle Charaktere (Guide)


mortal kombat x scorpion fatality 01

Sie beginnen Mortal Kombat X mit einer Fatality und einer Brutality für jeden Charakter, der im Hauptspiel spielbar ist. Sie müssen die übrigen Fatalities und Brutalities entdecken, indem Sie diese am Ende eines Matches ausführen oder in der Gruft (Krypt) freischalten. Wenn Sie eine Fatality oder Brutality ausführen, ehe Sie in der Gruft (Krypt) freigeschaltet wird, schalten Sie diese dadurch automatisch frei. Außerdem können Sie Fatalities im Fatality Practice Modus ausführen/üben, ehe sie freigeschaltet wurden. Führen Sie einfach die neue Fatality statt jener aus, die auf dem Bildschirm aufgelistet ist.
Fatalities müssen von einem bestimmten Abstand vom Gegner aus ausgeführt werden:

  • Close (Nahe) - Stand right next to the opponent. (Sie müssen gleich neben dem Gegner stehen)

  • Mid-Screen (Mittel) - Stand about three character lengths from the opponent. (Sie müssen ungefähr drei Charakterlängen vom Gegner entfernt stehen)

  • Full Screen (Weit) - Stand on the opposite side of the screen from the opponent. (Die gesamte Breite des Bildschirms muss zwischen Ihnen und Ihrem Gegner liegen)

Anmerkung: In manchen Fällen ist es einfacher, Block (Blockieren/Abwehren) gedrückt zu halten, während man die Richtungseingaben (directional inputs) für eine Fatality vornimmt. Zum Beispiel: Wenn die Eingabe für die Fatality Vor, Zurück, Vor, 3 Forward, Back, Forward, 3) lautetmag es einfacher sein Blocken (Block) gedrückt zu halten, , Vor, Zurück, Vor (Forward, Back, Forward) zu drücken, Blocken loszulassen und dann 3 zu drücken.

Brutalities sind im Grunde Special Moves (Spezialangriffe), die eine Fatality bewirken, wenn Sie als letzter Treffer verwendet werden, der den Gegner tötet und das Match beendet (also bevor der Ansager "FINISH HIM"ruft).Allerdings müssen Sie, um die meisten Brutalities ausführen zu können, gewisse Voraussetzungen erfüllen. Es kann zum Beispiel erforderlich sein, dass Sie x-Mal eine bestimmte Attacke gegen den Gegner anwenden oder die erste Runde des Matches mit einem Wurf gewinnen oder während der Animation des letzten Angriffs Vor (Forward) gedrückt halten müssen. Sind nicht alle Voraussetzungen erfüllt, findet die Brutality nicht statt.

Hinweis: Dieser Beitrag wird immer wieder mit neuen Brutalities aktualisiert.

Erläuterung der Eingaben (Buttons)

1 - Square/X
2 - Triangle/Y
3 - X/A
4 - Circle/B

Cassie Cage

Bubble Head (Fatality 1) - Forward, Down, Back, Forward, 1 (Mid-Screen)
Selfie (Fatality 2) - Down, Forward, Down, Back, 4 (Close)
Between The Eyes (Brutality 1) - With over 50 percent health, kill the opponent with Single Shot (Back, Forward+1) from a single jump distance away (about three character lengths).
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Bug Me (Fatality 1) - Back, Forward, Back, 3 (Mid-Screen)
Heart Broken (Fatality 2) - Forward, Back, Forward, 2 (Close)
Migraine (Brutality 1) - With over 50 percent health, kill an opponent with Ovipositor Charge (Down, Back+4), then hold Forward.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Inner Workings (Fatality 1) - Hold Block, Down, Up, Back, Release Block (Mid-Screen)
Head Out (Fatality 2) - Hold Block, Forward, Down, Down, Up, Release Block (Mid-Screen)
Nether Force (Brutality 1) - Perform 10 special moves during the match, then kill the opponent with an Air Force Port (Down, Back+4+Block in the air).
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 

Erron Black

Sand Storm (Fatality 1) - Down, Back, Forward, Down, 1 (Mid-Screen)
Six Shooter (Fatality 2) - Back, Forward, Back, Forward, 2 (Full Screen)
Tunnel Vision (Brutality 1) - Kill an opponent with a basic throw, then hold Forward during the animation.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Better Than One (Fatality 1) - Forward, Back, Forward, Back, 3 (Close)
Play Time (Fatality 2) - Down, Back, Forward, Back, Back (Mid-Screen)
Trample (Brutality 1) - Run at least three times during the match, then kill the opponent with Tuck ;n; Charge (Back, Forward+3), but the first hit must miss completely and you must hold Forward during the attack animation.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Peek-A-Boo (Fatality 1) - Back, Forward, Down, 4 (Close)
Shokan Amputation (Fatality 2) - Back, Down, Down, Up (Close)
Speed Bag (Brutality 1) - Win the match in two rounds, killing the opponent with the Shokan Grab (Down, Back, Forward+3) or Shokan Slam (Down, Back, Forward+3+Block), holding Forward during the attack animation.
Krush (Brutality 2) - With the opponent blocking, kill them with a Krush (Down, Up+Block)
Chest Bump (Brutality 3) - In the Kuatan Warrior variation, perform five forward dashes (Forward, Forward) during the match, then with over 50 percent health kill the opponent with a Chest Lunge (Back, Forward+2) or Chest Charge (Back, Forward+2+Block).
Tail Spin (Brutality 4) - In the Dragon Fangs variation, kill the opponent with the Dragon Spin (Down, Back+2+Block), but only the third hit of the Dragon Spin can connect, the first two hits have to miss the opponent.
Shokan Flame (Brutality 5) - In the Tiger Fury variation, stand close to the opponent and kill them with the Dragon Torch (Back, Forward+2+Block), holding 2 during the attack animation.

Jacqui Briggs

Blown Out (Fatality 1) - Forward, Back, Forward, Back, 2 (Close)
Fist Pump (Fatality 2) - Forward, Down, Back, 4 (Close)
Mind Blown (Brutality 1) - Kill the opponent with a Bionic Blast (Back, Forward+2+Block) and press Forward, Forward, Forward during the attack animation.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


T-Wrecks (Fatality 1) - Forward, Back, Down, 2 (Close)
Jax The Ribber (Fatality 2) - Down, Back, Forward, Forward (Close)
Sledge Hammer (Brutality 1) - Kill a ducking opponent with Back, Forward+2, Down
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Ground Breaking (Brutality 4) - In the Pumped Up variation, hit three Ground Pounds during a match, then kill the opponent with Down, Down+4+Block (Ground Shake) and hold 4 during the attack.
Brutality 5 - 

Johnny Cage

Here's Johnny (Fatality 1) - Back, Forward, Back, Forward, 1 (Close)
Little Improv (Fatality 2) - Forward, Back, Forward, Forward (Mid-Screen)
Eye Popping (Brutality 1) - Hit the opponent with at least four Nut Punch attacks (Back, Down+3) throughout the match and kill the opponent with a Nut Punch or Nut Cracker (Back, Down+3+Block).
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Head Case (Fatality 1) - Down, Forward, Down, Back, 3 (Close)
Knife To Meet You (Fatality 2) - Down, Down, Forward, 1 (Full Screen)
Ballin' (Brutality 1) - Kill a blocking opponent with chip damage from an Air Ball (Back, Forward+3+Block in the air).
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Tele-Copter (Fatality 1) - Back, Forward, Back, Back (Full Screen)
My Puppet (Fatality 2) - Forward, Down, Back, Up (Mid-Screen)
Used Up (Brutality 1) - Win the first round of the match with a throw, then kill the opponent with a throw.
Brutality 2 -
Leg Up (Brutality 3) - In the Balanced variation, score the first hit of the match (for the meter bonus), then kill the opponent with a Tele-Flurry (Back, Forward+3).
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Dark Fan-Tasy (Fatality 1) - Down, Forward, Back, Forward, 2 (Mid-Screen)
Splitting Hairs (Fatality 2) - Back, Forward, Down, Down (Mid-Screen)
Off The Top (Brutality 1) - Kill the opponent with a Throat Slice (Back, Forward+3) or Throat Slash (Back, Forward+3+Block).
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 

Kotal Kahn

Be Mine! (Fatality 1) - Down, Back, Forward, 1 (Close)
Tight Squeeze (Fatality 2) - Forward, Back, Forward, Back, 2 (Close)
Kotally Awesome (Brutality 1) - Stand at sweep distance (one character length away) and kill the opponent with Sun Beam (Down, Forward+4) or God Ray (Down, Forward+4+Block).
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Sawed Off (Brutality 4) - In the War God variation, kill the opponent with a three-hit combo that ends with Saw Blade (Down, Forward+2).
Brutality 5 - 

Kung Jin

Target Practice (Fatality 1) - Down, Forward, Down, Back, 2 (Close)
Pinned Down (Fatality 2) - Forward, Back, Down, Down, 1 (Mid-Screen)
A Little Heart (Brutality 1) - Go at least seven seconds without being hit during the final round of the match, then stand at sweep distance (one character length away) and kill the opponent with a Straight Arrow (Down, Forward+2).
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 

Kung Lao

Face Grind (Fatality 1) - Down, Back, Down, Forward, 4 (Close)
Flower Pot (Fatality 2) - Down, Forward, Down, Back, 1 (Close)
Open Wide (Brutality 1) - Kill opponent with a standard throw while pressing 1 or 2 15 times during the throw animation.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 

Liu Kang

Sore Throat (Fatality 1) - Down, Down, Back, Forward, Forward (Close)
Splitter (Fatality 2) - Back, Forward, Down, Up (Close)
Hot Head (Brutality 1) - Use at least three stage interactions during the match, then kill the opponent by hitting them in the head with an Air Fireball (Back, Forward+1 in the air).
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Face Feast (Fatality 1) - Down, Back, Down, Back, 3 (Close)
Tasty Treat (Fatality 2) - Forward, Back, Forward, Back, 2 (Close)
High Roller (Brutality 1) - Hit the opponent with at least five Ball Roll attacks (Back, Down+4), then kill the opponent with a Ball Roll or Flip 'n' Roll (Back, Down+4+Block).
Tele-Splat (Brutality 2) - Kill the opponent with a Tele-Kick (Down, Down+3) or Tele-Drop (Down, Down+3+Block), and hold Up during the attack animation.
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Early Lunch (Brutality 5) - In the Ravenous variation, kill the opponent with the Quick Taste combo (Back+1,2,1+3, Up, Up+2 and hold up throughout the animation).

Quan Chi

Mind Game (Fatality 1) - Forward, Back, Forward, Back, 4 (Full Screen)
Both Ends (Fatality 2) - Down, Forward, Back, Forward, 2 (Close)
Kurb Stomp (Brutality 1) - Kill the opponent with Sky Crush (Down, Back+4+Block) and press Down, Down, Down before the last head slam of the attack.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Bug Eyes (Fatality 1) - Forward, Back, Forward, 1 (Close)
Conducting Rod (Fatality 2) - Down, Forward, Back, Forward, 4 (Full Screen)
Super Shocker (Brutality 1) - Kill the opponent with Electrocute (Down, Forward+2) and press 2, 2, 2 during the attack animation.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Bad Breath (Fatality 1) - Down, Forward, Down, Forward, 4 (Close)
Acid Bath (Fatality 2) - Down, Down, Back, Forward, 1 (Close)
Acid Wash (Brutality 1) - Inflict more than 30 percent damage with Acid Spit (Down, Forward+1) during the match, then kill the opponent with Acid Spit.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Bo Dash (Brutality 5) - In the Noxious variation, activate Poison Gas (Down, Down+3), then kill the opponent with Reptilian Smash (Back, Forward+2+Block).


Stop Ahead (Fatality 1) -  Down, Back, Forward, 2 (Mid-Screen)
Who's Next (Fatality 2) - Down, Back, Forward, Up (Mid-Screen)
Get Over Here (Brutality 1) - With over 50 percent health remaining, kill the opponent with an enhanced Double Spear (Back, Forward+1+Block, then Block again once the attack connects).
Shirai Ryu Fire (Brutality 2) - Kill the opponent with an Air Flameport (Down, Back+3+Block in the air).
Just A Scratch (Brutality 3) - In the Ninjitsu varition, hit the oponentthree times with Downfall (Back+4) during the match, then kill the opponent with Doom Blade (Forward+2).
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


The Grinder (Fatality 1) - Down, Back, Forward, Down, Up (Mid-Screen)
Flick Trick (Fatality 2) - Hold Block, Down, Up, Down, Up, Release Block, Press Block (Mid-Screen)
Gory Hole (Brutality 1) - Kill the opponent with Amulet Strike (Back, Forward+Hold 1), holding 1 during the attack.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Have A Nice Day (Brutality 4) - In the Bone Shaper variation, with one bar of Super meter, kill the opponent with the Deity combo (Forward+2,2,1+3).
Brutality 5 - 

Sonya Blade

Target Marked (Fatality 1) - Down, Down, Back, Forward+Block (Close)
Head Hunter (Fatality 2) - Forward, Back, Down, Back, 2 (Mid-Screen)
Thigh Master (Brutality 1) - With less than 50 percent health, perform a five-hit combo that ends with the Leg Grab (Back, Forward+4) or Leg Slam (Back, Forward+4+Block), killing the opponent with the final hit.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 


Chest Kold (Fatality 1) - Back, Forward, Down, Back, 4 (Close)
Bed of Ice (Fatality 2) - Down, Back, Down, Forward, 4 (Close)
Snow Ball (Brutality 1) - With more than 40 seconds remaining in the round, freeze the opponent, then stand a full screen-length away and hit them with Ice Blast (Down, Forward+2+Block).
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Splitting Image (Brutality 5) - In the Grandmaster variation, create an Ice Klone (Down, Back+2)  or Ice Statue (Down, Back+2+Block), then kill the opponent by exploding the Klone with Ice Burst (Down, Back+1) or Frost Bomb (Down, Back+1+Block), while holding Back.


Whip It Good (Fatality 1) - Down, Forward, Down, Back, 2 (Mid-Screen)
Head Cage Fatality 2) - Forward, Back, Down, Down, 1 (Mid-Screen)
Armless (Brutality 1) - Kill the opponent with a normal throw and pres 1 or 2 four times during the throw animation.
Brutality 2 -
Brutality 3 -
Brutality 4 -
Brutality 5 - 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Great tips regrading fatalities . You provided the best information which helps us a lot. Thanks for sharing the wonderful information.


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