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Alle beliebten Destiny Schusswaffen werden schwächer gemacht/generft


destiny popular guns nerfed 01

Heute gab Bungie etwas bekannt, das allen Spielern von Destiny, einem Videospiel, in dem man gegen bösartige, widerliche Feinde wie Cabal, Vex und Red Bull kämpft, verrückt erscheinen muss.

Sie kennen all diese Waffen, die jedermann verwendet? Gjallarhorn? Thorn? The Last Word? Hawkmoon? Sie alle werden generft (abgeschwächt). Jede einzelne verdammte Waffe.

Dank einer riesigen Waffenüberarbeitung , die als Teil von Destiny Patch 2.0 zum Spiel hinzukommen wird – er soll im September erscheinen -, sieht es ganz danach aus, als sollten wir uns schon bald darüber beklagen, dass wir zahlreiche neue Waffen nicht bekommen. Auto-rifles (automatische Gewehre) werden stärker gemacht; Hand Cannons werden generft (abgeschwächt). Lebewohl, Ice Breaker; hallo, Necrochasm. Trials of Osiris Spieler werden sich darüber freuen, dass Final Round Scharfschützengewehre ebenfalls schwächer gemacht werden (nerfed).

Die genauen Details finden Sie hier, aber lassen Sie mich Ihnen hier einige Auszüge präsentieren.

Zunächst die „auto-rifle“ (automatische Gewehre) Änderungen, die helfen könnten, diese Pusterohre lohnender zu machen:

  • Increase base damage
  • Start damage falloff closer to the player to emphasize its role as a close to medium range weapon
  • Small reduction in base stability. Landing shots at optimal range is unaffected, but repeated precision hits require more weapon control to land consistently
  • Boost damage by 10% against AI combatants

Und hier sind die Änderungen bei den Hand Cannons, die diese Waffen etwas weniger tödlich machen dürften:

  • Start damage falloff closer to the player to limit long range lethality
  • Small reduction in ADS accuracy, targeted at making long range snap-shooting less reliable
  • Reduce final accuracy when firing from hip
    • Fast firing from hip is less reliable
  • Reduce magazine size for all base inventory stats
  • Reduce base Optics (zoom) for all Hand Cannons
    • ADS now grants more width in favor of depth

Alle anderen Waffentypen werden ebenfalls angepasst. Alle Informationen dazu finden Sie auf  Bungies Seite. Ich möchte Ihnen aber die Neuigkeiten über die exotischen Waffen (exotics) nicht vorenthalten, die sicherlich viele Leute freuen und ebenso viele enttäuschen werden.

Einige der Änderungen:

The Last Word

The Last Word is our fastest time-to-kill (TTK) primary in the game. The intent of this weapon was always to deal lethal damage up close and in style while shooting from the hip. Right now the Stability and Range of this weapon has players reliably getting ranged kills while aiming down sights, so we want to try and push this weapon into more of its intended role.
  • Changes:Reduce Range stat to 10 (was 20), reduce Stability to 20 (was 30).
  • Reduce effective range while in ADS.Increase accuracy and precision damage aim assist scale when firing from the hip. “Get three coffins ready.”Fixed bugs with Hipfire damage bonus applying incorrectly


Thorn has had an interesting journey. It started as a weapon that was perceived as an unworthy reward for one of the most contentious exotic bounties in the game, and has slowly dug its way into players’ flesh as one of the most popular exotics among the Destiny population.
We want to preserve the functionality that makes Thorn such a compelling weapon, but its effective range and lethality are one of the most hotly contended items by the PVP player base. The base changes to Hand Cannons and weapon stats address Thorn’s range.
  • Changes:
    • Reduce base damage of Thorn’s Mark of the Devourer DoT (Damage over Time) to roughly 1/3 of what it was in PVP and PVE
    • Allow DoT to stack up to 5x across multiple landed projectiles
      • This is a net buff for Thorn’s DoT, but reduces the lethality of the weapon in PVP

Ice Breaker

We’ve all done it. Hunker down in the back of the map with your lunch box, picnic table, a sci-fi paperback, and Ice Breaker. Kill all the enemies, wait for more to show up, kill those ones too, put a few shots on the boss, make a sandwich, finish the strike, and then collect your reward-that-isn’t-Hawkmoon and move on. The recharging ammo of Ice Breaker has become a staple for the PvE game. We don’t want to completely destroy that, because a really great thing happens when all of a sudden you need Ice Breaker and you’re still waiting on that next round to show up. In that moment there is an interesting tension at play; you need to think about how you spend your next few seconds while it recharges. We are going to amplify that tension by increasing the recharge duration by a few seconds.
  • Changes:
  • Increase recharge time for Ice Breaker rounds to 1 every 8 seconds. Was 1 round every 5 seconds

Gjallarhorn :(

If Destiny had a nuke it would be the “Ballerhorn.” We definitely intended to have a high damage Heavy Weapon that was ideal for PvE destruction. What we did not intend, and what we unfortunately saw, was pick up Raid and Nightfall groups gating participation based on whether or not players had this weapon. Gjallarhorn was so strong that for many people it had become the only answer to getting through tough encounters, and therefore they were less willing to spend time with other players that didn’t have it.
We strive for Destiny to be a place where a single weapon or strategy does not dictate how, or with whom, you spend your time. In the new world Gjallarhorn is still worthy of its legacy as an exotic Heavy Weapon, but we hope it promotes inclusive behavior rather than exclusivity.
  • Changes
  • Reduce damage of Wolfpack Rounds

Einige Schusswaffen — Hard Light, No Land Beyond, etc.— werden verbessert/verstärkt, so dass sie in PvE und PvP nützlicher und wertvoller werden. Es wird zwar eine ganze weile dauern, bis wir die Auswirkungen dieser Überarbeitung/Anpassung wirklich verstehen, doch eines ist sicher: ab September wird Gjallarhorn nicht mehr König aller Waffen sein.

Wenn Sie ein eingefleischter Destiny Fan sind und sich alle Details über die Waffen durchlesen möchten, finden Sie hier die komplette Aufstellung aller Änderungen bei den Waffen. Wenn Sie sich nur für die Kurzversion interessieren: Alles wird sich ändern, und zwar erheblich.

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