Mass Effect 3: Die große Waffen- und Upgrade-Liste


Ein Überblick über alle Waffen von BioWares sehnlich erwarteter Actionrollenspiel-Fortsetzung, komplett mit Details, wie Sie diese noch besser machen können

mass effect 3 weapons and upgrades 01b

Ein Nutzer der BioWare-Foren veröffentlichte eine angeblich vollständige Liste der Waffen und Upgrades von Mass Effect 3. Obwohl nicht offiziell, scheint die Liste echt zu sein und wird von einem Screenshot des Loading Screens des Spiels begleitet.

Wie Sie sehen können, ist der Schirm in fünf Ausrüstungsplätze unterteilt, zwei auf Commander Shepards Rücken und drei an seinem Gürtel. Jede Waffe, die Sie zu seiner mitgeführten Ausrüstung hinzufügen, erhöht die Gewichtsanzeige, was zur Folge hat, dass sich die Wiederaufladungszeit seiner biotischen Fähigkeiten verlängert. Das bedeutet, dass die stark auf Biotik ausgelegten Charaktere belohnt werden, wenn sie nur wenige oder kleinere Waffen mitnehmen, da sie dann ihre Kräfte schneller wieder nützen können

Dieser Liste zufolge wird es in Mass Effect 3 59 Waffen geben, also mehr als doppelt so viele wie im letzten Spiel, wobei 29 völlig neu sind. Mindestens 8 werden nur als DLC erhältlich sein.

Hier ist die komplette Liste der Waffen des Spiels, geordnet nach Typen:

Assault rifles (Sturmgewehre):

  • M-8 Avenger
  • M-76 Revenant
  • M-96 Mattock
  • Geth Pulse Rifle
  • Collector Assault Rifle
  • M-15 Vindicator
  • Cobra (new)
  • M-37 Falcon (new)
  • M-99 Saber (new)
  • Phaeston (new)
  • N7 Valkyrie (DLC, new)
  • Chakram Launcher (DLC, new)
  • M55 Argus (DLC, new)

Pistols (Pistolen):

  • M-3 Predator
  • M-5 Phalanx
  • M-6 Carnifex
  • Ivory (new)
  • Scorpion Defensive Ordnance Pistol (new)
  • M-358 Talon (new)
  • Thor (new)
  • Arc Pistol (new)
  • N7 Eagle (DLC, new)

Shotguns (Schrotflinten):

  • M-23 Katana
  • M-22 Eviscerator
  • M-27 Scimitar
  • M-300 Claymore
  • Geth Plasma Shotgun
  • The Disciple (new)
  • Graal Spike Thrower (new)
  • Striker (new)
  • Centurion (new)
  • N7 Crusader (DLC, new)
  • AT12 Raider (DLC, new)

Submachine Guns (Maschinenpistolen):

  • M-4 Shuriken
  • M-9 Tempest
  • M-12 Locust
  • M-237S Hornet (new)
  • N7 Hurricane (DLC, new)

Sniper Rifles (Scharfschützengewehre):

  • M-92 Mantis
  • M-97 Viper
  • M-98 Widow
  • M-29 Incisor
  • M-112 Raptor (new)
  • M-90 Indra (new)
  • Black Widow (new)
  • N7 Valiant (DLC, new)

Heavy Weapons (Schwere Waffen):

  • M-622 Avalanche
  • M-920 Cain
  • M-451 Firestorm
  • M-100 Grenade Launcher
  • ML-77 Missile Launcher
  • M-490 Blackstorm
  • Arc Projector
  • Collector Particle Beam
  • Geth Spitfire (new)
  • M-51 Havoc (new)
  • Black Star (new)
  • Javelin Missile Launchers (new)
  • Hydra Missile Launcher (new)

Und hier sind alle Waffenmodifikationen, die Sie nützen können, um Ihr Arsenal zu verbessern: (Hinweis: Einige Werte scheinen in den Upgrade Statistiken zu fehlen, weshalb an ihrer Stelle Fragezeichen stehen.)

Assault Rifles:

  • Precision Scope: Increases accuracy by ?%. A simple 4x optical scope to enhance accuracy and stability while zoomed. Reduces aim error while moving and taking damage.
  • Extended Barrel: Increases damage by 25%. A longer version of the original barrel, resulting in greater bullet velocity and energy imparted.
  • Stability Damper: Increases weapon stability by 30%. Distributes recoil with a sliding system of counterweights compatible with kinetic coil generators. Reduces overall weapon kickback while firing.
  • E-Material Heat Sink: Increases rounds per magazine by 40%. Increases the magazine density of the weapon, allowing more shots to be fired.
  • Piercing Mod: Allows bullets to pierce through ? meter objects, but at ?% reduced damage. Also ignores ?% of defenses on armored targets.


  • High Caliber Barrel: Increases damage by ?%. The weapon accepts wider projectiles to cause more trauma on impact; these are ballistically optimized so as not to lose penetrative power.
  • Melee Taser: Increases melee damage by ?%. A small attachment to the base of the muzzle which causes massive damage to meleed targets.
  • Scope: Increases accuracy by ?%. A simple 2x optical scope to enhance accuracy and stability while zoomed. Reduces aim error while moving and taking damage.
  • Magazine Upgrade: Increases rounds per magazine by ?%. Increases the magazine density of the weapon, allowing more shots to be fired.
  • Grip Stabilizer: Increases stability by 30%. Channels the weapon's recoil back into the shooter's arm rather than the air allowing for better kick absorption.


  • Shredder Mod: Allows bullets to pierce through ? meter objects, but at ?% reduced damage. Also ignores ?% of defenses on armored targets.
  • High Caliber Barrel: Increases damage by ?%. The weapon accepts wider projectiles to cause more trauma on impact; these are ballistically optimized so as not to lose penetrative power.
  • Smart Choke: Increases accuracy by ?%. Servo motors hooked up to an adjustable system allow the shotgun to tighten or loosen its pellet spread for maximum accuracy.
  • Blade Attachment: Increases melee damage by ?%. A tungsten carbide bayonet with a recessed edge to provide maximum cutting surface.
  • Spare Ammo: Increases spare ammo capacity by ?%. Adds sockets to increase the total spare ammo capacity for this weapon.

Submachine Guns:

  • High Caliber Barrel: Increases damage by ?%. The weapon accepts wider projectiles to cause more trauma on impact; these are ballistically optimized so as not to lose penetrative power.
  • Scope: Increases accuracy by ?%. A simple 2x optical scope to enhance accuracy and stability while zoomed. Reduces aim error while moving and taking damage.
  • Ultralight Materials: Reduces weapon weight by ?%. Superior light-weight alloys replace most weapon parts, making the weapon easier to handle and less obtrusive when using powers.
  • Magazine Upgrade: Increases rounds per magazine by ?%. Increases the magazine density of the weapon, allowing more shots to be fired.
  • Enhanced Stock: Increases accuracy by 6% and stability by 30%. A buttstock cushioned with "ShockWise" smart synthetic padding to absorb recoil and allow for fast shouldering without slips or catches.
  • Heat Sink: Every round fired has a ?% chance of not consuming any ammo. Increases the heat conductivity of the thermal clip receiver, allowing more heat to be vented and more shots to be fired before malfunction. Completely negates the heat generated by some shots.
  • E-Material Heat Sink: Increases rounds per magazine by 40%. Increases the heat conductivity of the thermal clip receiver, allowing more heat to be vented and more shots to be fired before malfunction.

Sniper Rifles:

  • Extended Barrel: Increases damage by ?%. A longer version of the original barrel, resulting in greater bullet velocity and energy imparted.
  • Concentration Module: Increases damage by ?% and enhances concentration while aiming, slowing down the world around you by ?% for a brief time. Biometric sensors and auto-targeting software adjust for the shooter's pulse and breathing, assisting aim.
  • Enhanced Scope: Increases accuracy by ?%. A stability-enhancing scope that increases accuracy and decreases aim error while moving and taking damage.
  • Spare Ammo: Increases spare ammo capacity by ?%. Adds sockets to increase the total spare ammo capacity for this weapon.
  • Piercing Mod: Allows bullets to pierce through ? meter objects, but at ?% reduced damage. Also ignores ?% of defenses on armored targets.

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