Das Urteil ist gefällt: Die Fans lieben/hassen Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut

Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut ist das Resultat einer der größten Kontroversen der Videospielgeschichte. Nach heftigen Beschwerden der Fans entschloss man sich bei BioWare, eine Reihe neuer Enden zu gestalten, um all jenen Fans, die sich einen noch deutlicheren Abschluss wünschen, entgegenzukommen.

Sind die Fans nun zufrieden? Ja. Und nein.

Die folgenden Kommentare stammen direkt von den eingefleischten Mass Effect Fans, die die offiziellen Foren von BioWare frequentieren, einen Ort, den Sie heute und in den folgenden Tagen meiden sollten, wenn Sie nicht immer und immer wieder dieselben Argumente lesen wollen.

Die Lektüre dieser 10 positiven und 10 negativen Wortmeldungen (sowie einer verwirrenden) sollte Ihnen eine ähnliche Erfahrung bescheren. Die Rechtschreibung wurde von mir nicht korrigiert, da es so lustiger ist.

Oh, und es gibt den einen oder anderen Spoiler.

Diese Spieler lieben die neuen Enden

  • "I vastly enjoyed the new ending, to be honest. I felt extremely hollow after witnessing the original, but this left me feeling extremely content. Sure, I'm on of those who wanted little blue babies with Liara, but at least now I know she got closure. And I know that civilization will last to honour my sacrifice to the galaxy :)" — Deavent
  • "Thank you, Bioware. I was personally very pleased with the changes to the Destroy ending. That is the ending I chose and it was made so much better. I feel like it was truly the ending to MY Shepard." – LeeluMultipass
  • "I have only done the synthesis ending so far and omg bioware, wrench my heart out and make me happy/sad at the same time some more why don't you. I love you EDI! How am I ever supposed to destroy/control now!" – Fleshdress
  • "I hated the original endings.....I can now say that I actually want to play through my favorite series again" – McFly616
  • "i was anti-ending...anti-retake.. THIS IS WHAT I WANTED!!! THIS....made me so freaking happy" -Corporal Doody
  • "I never disliked the original ending, but felt more fulfilling. Thanks for the hardwork! Let's just hope that more people feel this way now." – Michael177
  • "I have to admit from what I seen the ending is now alot better, I still have some problems with it but I'm satisfied now." – Dinosteve
  • "Just finished and I actually liked the old ending now (And I hated it it before). The new one just gives more of what many fans were saying the disliked about the ending. At least with the old one there was room for Lots of Speculation. Oh well, Halo 4 here I come!" –MagicalFish
  • "For something that was not designed to change an original ending that is rightly infamous for reasons we all know and only add to it, it was quite good. I really enjoyed the extra scenes, they provided a lot more closure and patched up a lot of the plot holes from the original ending, whilst still maintaining legroom for speculation." – chaos_Shadow15

Diese hassen die neuen Enden

  • "Bioware is NOT a 5 year old child making a crayon drawing. Bioware is a multi million dollar company capable of having made Mass Effect 3.5. Instead, they did the absolute bear minimum to get us to shut up. It worked." — Confused-Shepard
  • "im extremely dissapointed the ec sucks balls" - kingalexdarkoo
  • "Now I can finally trade in my ME3 copy. Thank you for confirming my fears Bioware" – wicked_being
  • "Hated it then, hate it now. C'est la vie." – steeltrainn
  • "First LOST, then ME3 and IT, shame on me I guess. The thing I do not like is, that they are still liars. They said that the ending will not be like LOST ending and yet, here we are." – Pangaron
  • "I find it depressingly sad that BioWare screwed up Mass Effect so badly, twice. We asked for closure and endings that made sense, had a colorful array of endings (and NOT in the literal sense) and what we got instead was a pile of implied insults, more plot holes, useless scenes and a slideshow." — Trifecta739
  • "In three months I expected better from bioware but no, didn't improve anything." — Thaa_solon
  • "I'm NOT satisfied, so I have all rights to further complain and I can't see a real effort in this loveless piece of crap." – Prince_Valiant
  • "Whilst there were improvements, they really didn't do a good job. Far from it. This is as close as we'll get to something decent. The outcomes still weren't fleshed out; it all felt lifeless." – ZombifiedJake
  • "I honestly don't understand why they even bothered. This can't possibly be enough for anyone who hated the original ending." – Lyme Eilserv

Und dann ist da noch dieser Typ

  • "Instead of beaking the ME universe the ending is now completely pointless and has near zero effect on the future and you know whot? I call this 100% positive result" – Sheepie Crusher

Ich liebe Dich, Sheepie Crusher.

Diese Resultate sind im Grunde wie erwartet. BioWare hätte wohl nur alle Fans zufriedenstellen können, wenn man jedem einzelnen sein persönliches Ende spendiert hätte.

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