Shovel Knight – Butt Mode und mehr als 100 weitere Cheat Codes


shovel knight cheat codes 01

Shovel Knight beeindruckt nicht nur mit seinem schwierigen Old-School-Platforming, sondern auch mit einer großen Zahl von Cheat Codes, darunter auch einem für den mittlerweile schon berüchtigten „Butt Mode“, der in der Story zahlreiche Hauptwörter durch dieses Wort ersetzt.

Es gibt Cheat Codes, mit denen Gegenstände freigeschaltet werden, andere, die Ihnen Gold einbringen, und einen, der Sie unsichtbar macht – bisher haben findige Spieler mehr als 100 Codes ausfindig gemacht. Einige sind verrückt und sinnlos, andere machen das Spiel leichter oder reichern es mit einigen zusätzlichen Herausforderungen an (falls es Ihnen wirklich nicht schwierig genug sein sollte). Lesen Sie weiter und probieren Sie einige (oder alle) der hier aufgelisteten Cheat Codes selbst aus.

Im Shovel Knight Walkthrough erfahren Sie, wie Sie auch die schwierigsten Herausforderungen dieses Retro-Platformers meistern können. Wenn Sie sich für Easter Eggs und andere verrückte Extras interessieren, werfen Sie bitte einen Blick auf die Shovel Knight Cheats Seite.

Cheat Codes Liste

Um den jeweiligen Cheat Code zu aktivieren, müssen Sie die Reihe aus Buchstaben, Sonderzeichen und Zahlen (WSWWAEAW, X&BUTT, STQQTXVX, etc.) in Player Name (Spielername) Feld eingeben, wenn Sie ein neues Profil anlegen.

Es taucht dann eine Botschaft auf, die Sie bittet, zu bestätigen, dass Sie mit aktiviertem Cheat Code weitermachen möchten. Wählen Sie „Yes“ (Ja) aus. Danach können Sie dem Profil einen ganz normalen Namen geben.

Cheat Spielmodi

Repeating nouns (Health, Magic, Shovel, Knight) are replaced in text with the word — Butt.

Super Butt Mode: X&BUTT
Even more repeating nouns are replaced with the word “Butt” in the text. Non-stop butts.

Begin with invincibility, enhanced attack speed, enhanced jump, all relics with infinite ammo, improved fire-rate, and magnetic treasure attraction. Instant-death traps like spikes and pits now do no damage.

Super God Mode: TVSVUEIO
All effects of God Mode with many additional alterations. Shovel Knight is now huge, starts with all armor, upgrades, relics, 10,000 gold and items. Begins at the Tower of Fate: Entrance stage. Shovel Knight also blows bubbles, can bounce off the ground as if hopping on enemies, and changes palette colors when jumping.

Free Reign Mode: RSUGCEOG
Begin Shovel Knight with all relics unlocked, full upgraded hearts, 10k Gold, and all levels available from the start.

Iron Man Impossible Mode: XJRZZWAK
Shovel Knight always dies in one hit, and there are no checkpoints.

Iron Man of Gaming Mode: IM&SGC14
Appear in the Mole Knight stage with upgraded health, upgraded armor, all relics, and a short timer.

Underwater Bubbles Mode: SVHMMLYN
Bubbles spew from Shovel Knight’s head always, even out of water.

Slippery Floors: QJRSSKOT
All flat surfaces are slippery like ice.

Invisibility Mode: ALTFMMOW
Shovel Knight is invisible!

Super Jump: J&2JMP!
Enhanced jump. Double Shovel Knight’s regular jump.

Ultra Jump: J&!JSMP
Super-enhanced jump. Quadruple Shovel Knight’s regular jump.

Scrooge McDuck Mode: TNFCGUGO
Begin with 99,999 Gold and the ability to bounce off the ground like the NES classic Ducktales. But, enemies dish out 4x normal damage.

Propeller Knight Mode: MCGHMAHT
Begin with enhanced vertical leap unlocked and the Propeller Dagger with infinite ammo. Shovel Knight’s palette is swapped to pink.

Huge Sprite Mode: GEQGAROE
Just what it says. Shovel Knight’s character sprite is really big.

Random Bonus: HSDGYZMT
Begins the game with one randomly chosen Armor set, and one randomly chosen Relic. Mana is upgraded in a range from 30-80.

Take No Attack Damage: UDBPKFFX
Enemy attacks will not harm Shovel Knight.

x4 Attack Damage: IGJKKPCK
Enemy attacks do x4 damage. Two hearts are lost per hit.

x8 Attack Damage: QMPGLCRA
Enemy attacks do x4 damage. Four hearts are lost per hit.

One-Hit Kill Boss: SFZHLNLG
Bosses have 1/2 heart point.

Half Health Boss: QWXELSUK
Bosses have their health reduced by half.

One-Hit Battle: KYRNMAPC
Bosses and Shovel Knight have their health reduced to 1/2 heart point.

Codes zum Freischalten von Gegenständen

Conjurer Coat Armor: TEIGCABP
Begin the game with Conjurer Coat Purple armor.

Dynamo Mail Armor: ISIQCFDN
Begin the game with Dynamo Mail Grey armor.

Mail of Momentum Armor: GWFCCFHP
Begin the game with Mail of Momentum Black armor.

Ornate Plate Armor: NRXNCIBS
Begin the game with Ornate Plate Gold armor.

Final Guard Armor: URCICMLP
Begin the game with Final Guard Red armor.

Propeller Dagger Unlock: JLPWUFJT
Begins with the Propeller Dagger available. Save file does not show the item unlocked.

Mail of Momentum Armor: AGLHVAFR
Begins with the Mail of Momentum Black armor. Save file does not show the armor unlocked.

Throwing Anchor: MWRFJPYZ
Begins with the Throwing Anchor available.

Alchemy Coin: GRESJWXN
Begins with the Alchemy Coin available.

Chaos Sphere: BINOKOAF
Begins with the Chaos Sphere available.

Flame Wand: UUPEKOQG
Begins with the Flame Wand available.

Flame Wand+Phase Locket: NILTKPBA
Begins with the Phase Locket and Flame Wand available.

Flame Wand+Phase Locket+Dust Knuckles: BJDNKUIQ
Begins with the Flaming Wand, Phase Locket, and Dust Knuckles available.

Flame Wand+Phase Locket+Dust Knuckles+Throwing Anchor: SJHNLAID
Begins with the Flaming Wand, Phase Locket, Dust Knuckles, and Throwing Anchor available.

Flame Wand+Phase Locket+Dust Knuckles+Throwing Anchor+Alchemy Coin: YJYFLBYZ
Begins with the Flaming Wand, Phase Locket, Dust Knuckles, Throwing Anchor, and Alchemy Coin available.

Flame Wand+Phase Locket+Dust Knuckles+Throwing Anchor+Alchemy Coin+Mobile Gear: ZMDMMXOO
Begins with the Flaming Wand, Phase Locket, Dust Knuckles, Throwing Anchor, Alchemy Coin, and Mobile Gear available.

Flame Wand+Phase Locket+Dust Knuckles+Throwing Anchor+Alchemy Coin+Mobile Gear+War Horn: SLFVNLJB
Begins with the Flaming Wand, Phase Locket, Dust Knuckles, Throwing Anchor, Alchemy Coin, Mobile Gear, and War Horn available.

Flame Wand+Phase Locket+Dust Knuckles+Throwing Anchor+Alchemy Coin+Mobile Gear+War Horn+Propeller Dagger: FVDNOSYB
Begins with the Flaming Wand, Phase Locket, Dust Knuckles, Throwing Anchor, Alchemy Coin, Mobile Gear, War Horn and Propeller Dagger available.

Infinite Flame Wand: SJPACXWH
Begins with the Flame Wand available – infinite ammo.

Infinite Phase Locket: ZXXFEDJC
Begins with the Phase Locket available – infinite ammo.

Infinite Dust Knuckles: JBSZELSC
Begins with the Dust Knuckles available – infinite ammo.

Infinite Throwing Anchor: PLEFFJSN
Begins with the Throwing Anchor available – infinite ammo.

Infinite Alchemy Coin: SXXKGZWE
Begins with the Alchemy Coin available – infinite ammo.

Infinite Mobile Gear: IGIUIETR
Begins with the Mobile Gear available – infinite ammo.

Infinite War Horn: NRDUIWCW
Begins with the War Horn available – infinite ammo.

Infinite Propeller Dagger: NXTXIZMV
Begins with the Propeller Dagger available – infinite ammo.

Infinite Fishing Rod: SBYHIZRA
Begins with the Fishing Rod available – infinite ammo.

Infinite Chaos Sphere: FHOYIZYI
Begins with the Chaos Sphere available – infinite ammo.

Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Levels/Überspringen von Levels

Plains Complete: XYLHOXNG
Begins with the Plains area completed.

Pridemoor Keep Complete: NEBBOZPP
Begins with the Pridemoor Keep level completed.

Lich Yard Complete: MNAVPDHT
Begins with the Lich Yard level completed.

Iron Whale Complete: QZNSPDVO
Begins with the Iron Whale level completed.

Lost City Complete: YQCNPHFT
Begins with the Lost City level completed.

Explodatorium Complete: SJXDPXEP
Begins with the Explodatorium level completed.

Clockwork Tower Complete: CSJZPYHA
Begins with the Clockwork Tower level completed.

Stranded Ship Complete: ULFKRDIA
Begins with the Stranded Ship level completed.

Flying Machine Complete: MXYAREAL
Begins with the Flying Machine level completed.

Tower of Fate: Entrance Complete: EAEJRGWJ
Begins with the Tower of Fate: Entrance level completed.

Tower of Fate: Ascent Complete: MHFGRQXE
Begins with the Tower of Fate: Ascent level completed.

Shovel Knight Complete: ENTSSYSQ
Instantly completes Shovel Knight, starting players off with New Game+.

Alle Gegenstände / Unlocks

Everything Unlocked: GGWBUCFV
Begin the game with all items and upgrades unlocked. No Music Sheets are unlocked.

Armors Unlocked: BXFGUEKM
Begin the game with all armors unlocked.

New Game+ Unlocked: RQQYUKIJ
Begin the game with New Game+ unlocked.

New Game+ & All Items Unlocked: STGZURSC
Begin the game with New Game+ including all items and upgrades unlocked.

Music Sheets Unlocked: KZXIVKAE
Begin the game with all music sheets unlocked in your inventory.

Codes fürs Freischalten von Fähigkeiten (Abilities) / Upgrades

Charged Shovel Ability: JDTIYMUW
Begins with the upgraded shovel ability unlocked.

Quick Dig Ability: ZXNGYVWY
Begins with the quick digging shovel ability unlocked.

Ground Spark Ability: FKKLYZKU
Begins with the ground spark shovel ability unlocked.

All 3 Shovel Abilities: EJBHZACP
Begins with all shovel abilities unlocked.

One Chalice: XTMUZCBS
Begins with one chalice item unlocked.

Two Chalice: LKYOABSL
Begins with two chalice items unlocked.

Fishing Hook: LFGQCRMP
Begins with the Fishing Hook item unlocked.

5 Hearts HP Upgrade: SZKWAIKV
Begin with 5 heart life points.

6 Hearts HP Upgrade: VIVCCBJP
Begin with 6 heart life points.

7 Hearts HP Upgrade: HWZPCLGL
Begin with 7 heart life points.

8 Hearts HP Upgrade: JRDWDZGN
Begin with 8 heart life points.

9 Hearts HP Upgrade: VQPBDZHM
Begin with 9 heart life points.

10 Hearts HP Upgrade: LBSHEAOQ
Begin with 10 heart life points.

40 Magic Upgrade: XRCSEOIL
Begin with 40 magic points.

50 Magic Upgrade: BUUUEREK
Begin with 50 magic points.

60 Magic Upgrade: CZSIFVOM
Begin with 60 magic points.

70 Magic Upgrade: MNOIGUZZ
Begin with 70 magic points.

80 Magic Upgrade: UACCHCUH
Begin with 80 magic points.

90 Magic Upgrade: RUJRHIZL
Begin with 90 magic points.

Gold Cheats

1,000 Gold: XTIQMQGE
Begin Shovel Knight with 1,000 Gold.

5,000 Gold: IFDSMQGZ
Begin Shovel Knight with 5,000 Gold.

10,000 Gold: BQAMNMPT
Begin Shovel Knight with 10,000 Gold.

50,000 Gold: XDDYNOUD
Begin Shovel Knight with 50,000 Gold.

99,999 Gold: ZNSKNTGG
Begin Shovel Knight with 99,999 Gold.

100 Gold Reset: CXZLOHGP
Begin every level with 100 Gold if your coins drop below the reset number.

500 Gold Reset: ADYSOYBB
Begin every level with 500 Gold if your coins drop below the reset number.

1,000 Gold Reset: GYMEPHLM
Begin every level with 1,000 Gold if your coins drop below the reset number.

2,000 Gold Reset: QWNLPQDL
Begin every level with 2,000 Gold if your coins drop below the reset number.

10,000 Gold Reset: THVZQFLN
Begin every level with 10,000 Gold if your coins drop below the reset number.

Lose All Gold on Death: HMOGVRDH
When you die in a level, all of your gold is left behind in floating bags.

Lose 50% on Death: FZGZWEBA
When you die in a level, 50% of your gold is left behind in floating bags.

Invincibility (Excluding Spikes/Pits): ECXDASGN
Regular enemies, bosses, and damaging elements will not harm you. Pits and spikes still lead to instant death.

Gold Drops: UWXYBGAX
Every enemy drops gold when defeated.

Extra Gold Drops: BQOSCHJA
Every enemy drops extra gold when defeated.

Even More Extra Gold Drops: FTNRCLNG
Every enemy drops even more extra gold when defeated.

Yet Even More Extra Gold Drops: NHBRCQCE
Every enemy drops yet even more extra gold when defeated.

Palette Swaps (Veränderungen der Farbe der Rüstung und des Shovel Knight)

Green Palette Swap: LYHSDNUX
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look green.

Blue Horn Palette Swap: DFPIDWVT
Alters Shovel Knight’s horns to look blue.

Red Palette Swap: JSAJEOQL
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look red.

Brown Palette Swap: RTZCEQNW
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look brown.

Purple Palette Swap: AQJDHEUM
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look purple.

Pink Palette Swap: JRUWHQUA
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look pink.

Silver Palette Swap: JHEIJDLR
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look silver.

Glowing Brown Palette Swap: QNXIITJY
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look brown and glow.

Glowing Purple Palette Swap: ETWBGRTH
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look purple and glow.

Purple / Grey Palette Swap: PJDRGKUC
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look purple and changes the horns grey.

Purple / Green Palette Swap: UOMBGSDR
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look purple and changes the horns green.

Red / Yellow Palette Swap: GGTUHHUZ
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look red and changes the horns yellow.

Blue / Purple Palette Swap: ESQEHMQL
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look blue and changes the horns purple.

Red / Blue Palette Swap: AKMTJHTW
Alters Shovel Knight’s armor to look red and changes the horns blue.

Jumping Color Swap: RQVFYUUB
When Shovel Knight jumps his sprite changes color.

Damage Color Swap: TLZYAPLO
When Shovel Knight takes damage his sprite changes color.

Player Upgrades & Combo Cheats

Faster Attacks: QHGOILFF
Increases Shovel Knight’s attack speed.

Spike Invincibility: OXLKJCGV
Shovel Knight walks on spikes without taking damage.

Spike Invulnerability: XZZCJNNP
Shovel Knight walks through spikes without taking damage.

Bounce off any ground surface.

Magnetic Treasure: DSHHKILX
Treasure is drawn to Shovel Knight.

Enhanced Knockback: KJWSLXLJ
Knockback from enemy attacks is increased.

New Game+ Unlocked & Upgraded: BJLHZXED
Begin New Game+ with all upgrades and items unlocked.

New Game+ – Alchemy Coin+Trench Blade+Throwing Anchor: AZUIAOPF
Begin New Game+ with Alchemy Coin, Trench Blade, and Throwing Anchor unlocked. In addition, Shovel Knight blows bubbles and treasure floats as if underwater.

Fishing Rod Anchor: SOXQCGJR
Begin with a special Fishing Rod that is used like the anchor. Deals out extra damage, has unlimited ammo, and fires rapidly.

Perfect Alchemy Coin: LLFICYDZ
Begin with Alchemy Coin — infinite ammo and rapid-fire.

Perfect Flame Wand: PVZPEETF
Begin with Flame Wand — infinite ammo and rapid-fire.

Perfect Phase Locket: DEYAGLTE
Begin with Phase Locket — infinite ammo and rapid-fire.

Perfect Phase Locket+Throwing Anchor: UNUJIQXG
Begin with Phase Locket & Throwing Anchor — infinite ammo and rapid-fire.

Perfect Flare Wand+Dust Knuckles: WPTPKIRF
Begin with Flare Wand & Dust Knuckles — infinite ammo and rapid-fire.

Ultra Jump & Fast Run: QITSUGJT
Begin with ultra jump and fast run speed.

Super Jump & Improved Pogo Bounce: DIFUUQDE
Begin with super jump and improved pogo jump.

Super Jump & Fast Run: EOSOUYJW
Begin with super jump and fast run speed.

Fast Shovel Attack: JEKGSNJT
Begin with a faster basic shovel attack.

Super Fast Shovel Attack: RLIHFVFI
Begin with a much faster basic shovel attack.

x4 Enemy Damage: JRJEYIBG
Enemies remove two heart points per hit.

All Relics for Sale: OWHFYQTW
All relics are available to purchase from the start of the game.

One-Hit Runner: KYQZGLEX
Shovel Knight dies in one hit, and will only run.

Village Merchants are Missing: JNSYJKGE
All merchants in the first village are removed.

50% Gold Iron Uber Loot: RHZVMKMG
No checkpoints in levels, enemies drop high-value gems, and 50% of your total loot is lost upon death.

Weitere Shovel Knight Guides und Extras:

Shovel Knight – All 46 Music Sheets Locations (Fundorte der 46 Notenblätter)

Shovel Knight – Tipps für den guten Start ins Spiel

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