Metro Redux – Cheats und Tipps


Metro 2033 Redux Cheats und Tipps 01

Enthüllen Sie mit Hilfe dieser Sammlung von Cheats und Guides für Metro Redux die Geheimnisse der U-Bahn und des Untergrunds.

Cheat Codes werden immer seltener, doch dafür verstecken die Entwickler immer mehr Geheimnisse und Easter Eggs in ihren Spielen, weshalb ich alle Informationen zu den Besonderheiten von Metro 2033 und Last Light hier zusammentragen werde, um die Redux Veröffentlichung entsprechend zu würdigen – und natürlich um dafür zu sorgen, dass Ihnen nichts entgeht.

Cheats und Tipps

Updates folgen.

Metro 2033 Redux – Toast! Trophy/Achievement Guide

Metro 2033 Redux – Generous Trophy Guide

Metro 2033 Redux – Invisible Man Trophy Guide

Metro 2033 Redux Achievements / Trophäen

Air Bender (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 50 humans with pneumatic weapons.

Cowboy (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 100 enemies using revolvers.

Demolitionist (10 points / Bronze):
Blow up the tunnel and airlock at CURSED STATION.

DJ Artyom (30 points / Bronze):
On the level OUTPOST reach the radio tower and broadcast the commander’s message.

Fire in the hole (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 20 lurkers.

Fire! (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 30 enemies with flame grenades.

Gunman (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 100 enemies with shotguns.

Heavy Reader (10 points / Bronze):
Kill a librarian.

Hedge-hopper (30 points / Bronze):
On the level FRONTLINE kill all of the enemy Red Army and Fascist Soldiers.

Hunter (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 200 Mutants.

Inquisitor (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 2 demons.

Invisible man (40 points / Bronze):
Complete FRONTLINE level without killing anyone.

Ka-Boom! (15 points / Bronze):
Explode 30 enemies.

Manhattan Project (10 points / Bronze):
Spend 60 seconds in a Radiation Hotspot.

Trigger Happy (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 100 enemies with assault rifles.

Toast! (15 points / Bronze):
Drink at every occasion.

Merciful (30 points / Bronze):
Complete the level BLACK STATION without killing or knocking out any enemies.

Metro Trader (15 points / Bronze):
Make 30 deals in weapon shops.

Snake (10 points / Bronze):
Stealthily kill 15 Enemies.

Ninja (10 points / Bronze):
Kill 30 enemies with throwing knives.

Nosalis hunter (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 100 nosalises.

Pathoanatomist (10 points / Bronze):
Kill 5 amoebas.

Blogger (40 points / Silver):
Complete all 51 of Artyom’s hidden Diary pages.

Pyro (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 30 enemies with a flamethrower.

Quick Draw (30 points / Bronze):
On the level HUNTER kill the nosalises before they break through the ventilation grilles.

Raider (15 points / Bronze):
On the level DEPOT silently kill the first guard and break into the Fascist station unnoticed.

Ranger (30 points / Bronze):
Find all Ranger stashes in Dead City.

Rescue Ranger (30 points / Silver):
Save a group of Reds from Fascist captivity.

Thief (40 points / Silver):
Open 15 locked safe boxes.

Scrooge (15 points / Bronze):
Save 1000 military-grade rounds.

Shocking (15 points / Bronze):
Get 30 kills with Hellbreath.

Slice & Dice (10 points / Bronze):
Kill 30 human enemies in close combat.

Sniper (10 points / Bronze):
Kill 30 human enemies with headshots.

Marksman (30 points / Bronze):
Kill 15 human enemies with Headshots from at least 30 meters’ distance.

Soft Touch (10 points / Bronze):
Disarm 15 wire traps.

Spartan 2033 (40 points / Gold):
Complete the game in Spartan Mode.

Spider hunter (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 10 Spiders.

Stunning (10 points / Bronze):
Knock 30 human enemies out in close combat.

Survivor 2033 (50 points / Silver):
Complete the game in Survival Mode.

Tank (10 points / Bronze):
Kill 10 Enemies without taking any damage.

Tonic Man (10 points / Bronze):
Use a Medkit 75 times.

Warrior (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 100 Human Enemies.

Watchman hunter (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 50 Watchmen.

Weaponsmith (30 points / Silver):
Kill at least one enemy with each weapon available in the game

Wheeler-Dealer (15 points / Bronze):
Exchange 500 Military-Grade 5.45 rounds at Exchange kiosks.

Who goes there? (10 points / Bronze):
Wipe your Gas Mask 20 times.

Secret Achievements / Trophies

Enlightened (50 points / Gold):
Find the truth.

Generous (30 points / Bronze):
Help the poor, a coin for the kid, medicine for the sick. You help everyone you see.

If it’s hostile, you kill it. (40 points / Gold):
Become a true ranger.

Metro: Last Light Redux Achievements / Trophäen

Air! (15 points / Bronze):
Spend 30 minutes’ worth of Filters.

Back to the Past (15 points / Bronze):
See all Visions in the Dead City.

Clean Escape (10 points / Bronze):
Escape the chasing Nazis on the REICH level without being caught once.

Commando (30 points / Silver):
Rescue the Women and Children on the BANDITS level without raising alarm.

Derailed (30 points / Bronze):
Kill all armed enemies on the REVOLUTION level, including all reinforcements.

Edison (15 points / Bronze):
Turn off 40 Lights without breaking them.

Engineer (10 points / Bronze):
Use 10 Lever Switches.

Ever Vigilant (15 points / Bronze):
Disarm 10 Traps.

Invisible Intruder (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the SEPARATION level without killing or raising alarm.

Invisible Savior (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the FACILITY level without killing or raising alarm.

Invisible Soldier (30 points / Bronze):
Complete the REVOLUTION level without killing and raising an alarm.

Cheers! (15 points / Bronze):
Drink at every occasion.

Mouse (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the ECHOES level undetected by the Watchmen.

No shooting allowed (15 points / Bronze):
Kill 10 enemies in a row with Throwing Knives.

Patron of the Arts (15 points / Bronze):
Watch the entire Theater Show.

Published (40 points / Silver):
Complete all 43 of Artyom’s hidden Diary pages.

Pyromaniac (10 points / Bronze):
Burn 50 Cobwebs.

Rain Man (30 points / Bronze):
Complete the BRIDGE level without a kill.

Reunion (40 points / Silver):
Find and return the crying child’s Teddy Bear.

Scram (15 points / Bronze):
Kill all Watchmen before they reach the Railcar.

Shadow (15 points / Bronze):
Stealthily kill 15 Enemies.

Soldier (30 points / Bronze):
Kill 100 Human Enemies.

Tortoise (15 points / Bronze):
Make 10 Spiders flip belly-up.

Veteran (15 points / Bronze):
Choose three primary weapons that use different ammo.

Survivor 2034 (50 points / Gold):
Complete the game in Survival Mode.

Spartan 2034 (40 points / Silver):
Complete the game in Spartan Mode.

Master Thief (40 points / Bronze):
Open 10 locked safe boxes.

Saboteur (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the SNIPER TEAM level.

Kshatriya (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the KSHATRIYA level.

Hail Reich! (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the HEAVY SQUAD level.

Test Complete (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the TOWER level.

Through the Fire (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the SPIDER LAIR level.

Developer (30 points / Silver):
Spend 1 hour on the DEVELOPER level.

Heads Up! (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the PAVEL level.

No Way Out (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the KHAN level.

The Sunset of Hope (15 points / Bronze):
Complete the ANNA level.

Antibiotic (30 points / Bronze):
Kill 100 Mutants.

Rabbit (5 points / Bronze):
Complete training sequence.

Not A Rabbit (15 points / Bronze):
Finish the ASHES level without taking a hit.

Secret Achievements / Trophies

Big Momma (15 points / Bronze):
Kill the Rhino.

C’est la vie (40 points / Gold):
Destroy D6.

Forest Guardian (30 points / Bronze):
Save the Bear from the Watchmen after the fight.

Freedom! (10 points / Bronze):
Free the Prisoners.

Redemption (50 points / Gold):
Save D6.

Revelation (10 points / Bronze):
Make Moskvin tell the truth with help from the Dark One.

Revenge (15 points / Bronze):
Kill Pavel.

Savior (10 points / Bronze):
Remove your mask when Lesnitsky demands it.

Secret (10 points / Bronze):
Find out about the Reds’ plans.

Within a Hair of Death (10 points / Bronze):
Escape from the Red Line.

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