30 Minuten Bildmaterial von Free Radicals nie veröffentlichtem Star Wars Battlefront III


star wars battlefront 3 vader 01

Ein findiger YouTube Nutzer hat fast 30 Minuten „pre-alpha“ Bildmaterial des abgeblasenen Star Wars Battlefront 3 online gestellt. Das Spiel läuft dabei auf Xbox 360 Hardware.

Das Spiel wurde von Free Radical entwickelt, bis LucasArts die Arbeit einstellen ließ.

"Some footage of the build of Star Wars Battlefront 3 that got canceled", schreibt YouTube Nutzer BananaSwag in der Beschreibung des ersten Videos. "This build is from 2007 and was ported over from the PC. This content is not mine, it is the property of Disney. No copyright intended, this is purely for review of the build. The game looked very fun to play and runs pretty well other then the obvious frame rate drops. It is very sad that this game got canceled although there is one being made by DICE now. This is being run on an Xbox 360 for those of you that got confused."

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