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Batman: Arkham Knights große Collector's Edition wurde im letzten Moment abgeblasen


batman arkham knight collectors edition news 01

Händler in den USA, Europa und Australien müssen ihre Kunden heute darüber informieren, dass es die Batman: Arkham Knight Batmobile Edition doch nicht geben wird. Das Spiel soll bereits in der kommenden Woche erscheinen, die Mitteilung kommt also wirklich sehr spät.

Diese Collector’s Edition sollte eine Kopie des Spiels, einige Skins, ein Kunstbuch, ein Comicbuch und ein Modell der Arkham Knight Version des Batmobil enthalten.

Dieser letzte Gegenstand, hergestellt von Project Triforce, ist nun das Problem, teilt Warner Bros. in einem Statement mit:

Dear Batman: Arkham Fans,
We regret to inform you that we are not able to release the Batmobile Collector’s Edition of Batman: Arkham Knight due to unforeseen circumstances that greatly compromised the quality of this extremely limited run of product. We are deeply apologetic for this unfortunate outcome. If you did pre-order the Batmobile Collector’s Edition, please go to the retail location where you pre-ordered the product and you will receive a full refund of your deposit or it can be rolled over to another Batman: Arkham Knight edition or another product of your choice. We will be providing everyone who purchases Batman: Arkham Knight with the New 52 skin pack, including Batman, Robin and Nightwing, free of charge.

Der Hersteller der Batmobiles gab noch keine Stellungnahme ab.

Diejenigen, die diese Edition vorbestellten, bekommen ihr Geld zurück und können entweder die Standardversion oder eine weniger umfangreiche Collector's Edition erwerben.

Lassen Sie sich das eine Lehre sein.

Hier ist eine Kopie der Email, die Amazon an die Kunden versendet, die die Collector's Edition vorbestellten:

We’re contacting you about your pre-order XXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX for Batman: Arkham Knight Batmobile Edition - PlayStation 4. We recently learned this item will no longer be released by the manufacturer as expected. As a result, we canceled your order and you have not been charged. We apologize for any disappointment or inconvenience this may have caused.
Substitute items are available under different item numbers. To place a new order for the substitute item, you can visit the product detail page here:
Batman: Arkham Knight - PS4 (Standard Edition) -http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...
Batman: Arkham Knight - Xbox One (Standard Edition) -http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...
Batman: Arkham Knight - The Serious Edition (Comic Bundle) -http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...
Batman: Arkham Knight - The Serious Edition (Comic Bundle) -http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...
To help make up for the inconvenience, we’re giving you a $20 promotional credit. You can redeem this promotional credit by entering in the code below during checkout:
This promotional code will expire on September 30, 2015.
We appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon.
Customer Service

Außerdem wurde mittlerweile bekannt, dass die „exklusiven“ Vorbestellungsinhalte (pre-order content) gar nicht ausschließlich denen vorbehalten bleiben werden, die das Spiel vorbestellen.

Throughout the 6 months of additional Batman: Arkham Knight content, Premium and Season Pass owners will receive all in-game content that is offered through various retail pre-order incentives. This includes the Harley Quinn and Red Hood Story Packs, as well as any Batmobile or Booster Pack that was available as early bonuses for pre-order of the game. For those who did not receive the content with their game, these items will become available when their respective exclusivity windows expire in August/September.
The tl;dr version of this is: Premium Edition & Season Pass owners will receive all retail exclusive DLC after their respective early access periods expire.

Bestellen. Sie. Videospiele. Nicht. Vor.

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