5 Dinge, die über Hideo Kojima und sein neues Spiel bekannt wurden


hideo kojima new game 01

Hideo Kojima hat ein neues Studio gegründet und arbeitet bereits an einem neuen Spiel. Er hat noch nicht allzu viel über dieses neue Projekt verraten, aber in einem neuen Interview mit GameSpot enthüllte er einige Details über das Spiel und auch sich selbst.

Hier sind fünf Dinge, die dank des Interviews nun über Kojima und sein kommendes, exklusiv für die PS4 erscheinendes Spiel bekannt sind.

1. Sein neues Spiel ist „groß“ und bietet dem Spieler „viel Freiheit“

I want to do something that gives a lot of freedom and interactivity. Like I did in the past, I want to make something that has a very strong, dramatic story...

...Sony is supporting us to make a big game that’s edgy with a strong story that gives the player a lot of freedom, with new elements, and I don’t know if that’s possible. But we’ll see.

2. Kojima sagt, dass er seine Versprechen bezüglich des Budgets einhält

A lot of people say that I spend too much money or take too much time, but that’s a misconception. My last project was late about five or six months, but I’ve always kept my word on timelines and budgets...

...Japanese creators are famous for being loose with schedules, and I think people put me in that category, but it’s not reality. In my case, I’m a director and a producer, so I have to stay aware of production and the budget.

3. Sein neues Spiel könnte erweitert und zu einem Anime und/oder Manga werden

...I want to make something that will have a big enough impact to become a series... This impact can lead into something outside of games, such as anime, manga, figures; something that is rich enough to expand.

4. Sony versucht nicht, genau zu kontrollieren, was Kojima macht

They [Sony] are not controlling what I’m doing at all; that was part of the conditions, and Sony was very respectful towards me and what I do. In that regard, it’s been very nice, and very pleasant.

5. Kojimas Kinder hassen seinen Bart aus vollem Herzen

I’m not used to it, so I think about shaving it every day. In becoming an independent and creating my own studio, I wanted to change something about my look. I’ve received a lot of positive comments from people outside Japan about my beard, but inside Japan, beards have a bad image... My kids definitely don’t like it.

Sie können das vollständige Interview hier lesen.

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