Super Mario Run – Fundorte aller 120 schwarzen Münzen (Black Coins Locations Guide)


super mario run black coins locations guide 01


Der herausfordernste und zugleich unterhaltsamste Teil von Super Mario Run sind nicht die Bosse und es ist auch nicht das erfolgreiche Absolvieren von Levels – nein, das Sammeln der schwarzen Münzen ist das wahre Highlight. Diese Münzen sind sehr schwer zu sammelnde Gegenstände, die erst verfügbar sind, nachdem Sie alle anderen besonderen Münzen eingesammelt haben.


Das Sammeln der anderen Münzen ist ziemlich einfach. So richtig schwierig wird es erst, wenn Mario mit den schwarzen Münzen konfrontiert wird. Da diese so schwer zu erreichen sind, habe ich den folgenden Guide zusammengestellt, der erklärt, wohin Sie hüpfen, abprallen, springen, etc. müssen, um alle fünf Black Coins einzusammeln, die es in jedem Abschnitt/Level gibt.



Black Coins Locations Guide


In jedem Level/Abschnitt warten 5 Münzen darauf, von Ihnen eingesammelt zu werden. Hier erfahren Sie, wo sie zu finden sind. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass Sie mit dem Finger länger auf den Bildschirm drücken müssen (antippen und gedrückt halten), damit Mario höher springt. Je länger Sie mit dem Finger auf den Bildschirm drücken, desto höher springt Mario.



Stage 1-1

  • Black Coin #1: Wall-jump (zur Wand und dann von dieser weg springen) von der ersten aus 3 Blöcken bestehenden Wand.

  • Black Coin #2: Springen Sie nach 3 (5 insgesamt) ?-Blöcken auf die 2 ?-Blöcke, um die Wolken zu erreichen.

  • Black Coin #3: Unter der Reihe von 7 Ziegelblöcken (brick blocks) am Himmel gibt es einen bodenlosen Abgrund. Springen Sie in die rechte Wand dieses Abgrunds/dieser Grube und rutschen Sie hinunter und vollführen Sie dann einen wall-jump, um zu entkommen.

  • Black Coin #4: Nach den drei grünen Rohren muss Mario vom einzelnen ?-Block „wall-jumpen“ und dann auch noch vom einzelnen soliden Block, um den Wolkenpfad zu erreichen.

  • Black Coin #5: Gegen Ende gibt es eine Reihe von Blöcken (2 Ziegelblöcke [brick blocks] rund um einen ?-Block) — Sie müssen den ersten (linken) Ziegelblock treffen, um eine schwarze Münze zu erhalten.

Stage 1-2

  • Black Coin #1: Nach dem ersten wall-jump gibt es oberhalb einen hohen Schacht, der mit Goldmünzen gefüllt ist. Rutschen Sie beim dritten wall-jump leicht hinunter, damit Mario nicht über den oberen Rand springt — stattdessen müssen Sie ein viertes und fünftes Mal „wall-jumpen“, um die schwarze Münze in der oberen Ecke zu erreichen.

  • Black Coin #2: Führen Sie, nachdem Sie sich durch das grüne Rohr begeben haben, bei der zweiten gelben Feder (spring) einen “wall-jump” aus, um nicht den ersten Pfad zur rechten nehmen zu müssen. Springen Sie per wall-jump über diesen Pfad, um einen einzelnen ?-Block zu finden, der ganz oben eine schwarze Münze enthält.

  • Black Coin #3: Im dritten Bereich müssen Sie sich vor den Piranha-Pflanzen im Tunnel mit den vier grünen Rohren in Acht nehmen. Führen Sie bei der Säule aus Goldmünzen einen “wall-jump” aus. Die schwarze Münze befindet sich oben auf der Säule aus goldenen Münzen. 

  • Black Coin #4: Wenn Sie durch das grüne Rohr in den vierten Bereich kommen, müssen Sie den ?-Block treffen, um eine schwarze Münze einzusammeln.  Um sie zu erhalten, müssen Sie einen wall-jump ausführen, anstatt sich hinunterfallen zu lassen und nach links zu laufen, um den ?-Bock zu erreichen.

  • Black Coin #5: In the fifth area, the black coin is found above the piranha plant at the top of the shaft, in the upper-left corner. To get it, wall-jump up and slide (pause before jumping) to time your jumps so you don’t hit the piranha plants. For the top piranha plant, make sure you’re regular Mario so you can take a hit and get the coin to make collecting it easier.

Stage 1-3

  • Black Coin #1: Nach dem roten Mushroom Power-up (roter Pilz) ist die schwarze Münze unter der orangen Plattform zu finden. Um Sie einzusammeln, müssen Sie Ihren Sprung so timen, dass Sie auf dem fliegenden Koopa landen. Sie müssen von diesem abprallen, um die schwarze Münze zu erreichen.

  • Black Coin #2: Pass the spot of flat land (with grass) and as you reach the platforms again, use the flying koopa to reach the upper red platform with 5 coins. Jump on another flying koopa from here and use a spin to collect the very high-up black coin.

  • Black Coin #3:  Just past the red coin circle, jump on the set of 2 ?-blocks, then high-jump onto the flying koopa. Use a spin to get the black coin or you’re likely to miss it.

  • Black Coin #4: At the giant block of gold coins, don’t jump to the green platform. Instead, drop off the orange platform to bounce off two flying koopas to get the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: springen Sie nicht auf das letzte Stück Grasland – rutschen Sie an der linken Seite hinunter, um die schwarze Münze zu erreichen, und begeben Sie sich dann mittels „wall-jump“ zurück zur orangen Plattform, um diesen Level abzuschließen.

Stage 1-4

  • Black Coin #1: At the left-pointer blocks, jump to the red mushroom power-up, then wall-jump off the brick block. The black coin is above the brick block, if you can wall-jump off it instead of breaking it, you’ll be able to reach the coin.

  • Black Coin #2: Stay on the upper path after the first row of ceiling handhold blocks. Jump off the first and third dusty bones to reach the black coin next to the castle ceiling.

  • Black Coin #3: Jump on the third row of ceiling handhold blocks to land on a high platform with 3 blocks (2 ?-blocks, 1 brick) — hit the brick block to get the black coin.

  • Black Coin #4: Right after that, jump onto the left-pointer blocks and jump again to bounce left. Quickly jump again to reach the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: Stay at the bottom row ahead. When you reach the bridge of lava with three dusty bones, jump on the left-pointer blocks to reach the black coin.

Stage 2-1

  • Black Coin #1: The black coin is revealed after jumping through the single-coin outline in the center of the first room. Make sure you don’t touch the green doors!

  • Black Coin #2: Enter the green door on the left in the first room. In the second room, get to the red coin ring in the center — pass through the coin outline to reveal the black coin. Circle around to get it.

  • Black Coin #3: In the same room, get to the very top. The black coin is floating above a single unbreakable block in the sea of gold coins near the roof.

  • Black Coin #4: At the third room (top-most door in the second room), roll off the pause block and jump onto the unbreakable brick platform. Leap to the row of handhold blocks to get to the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: Noch immer im dritten Raum müssen Sie einfach nur die Decke mit den Blöcken mit Haltegriffen erreichen und sich im Kreis bewegen/herumbewegen, damit alle “outline coins” Umriss-Münzen enthüllt werden. Dort befindet sich auch die letzte schwarze Münze in diesem Abschnitt.

Stage 2-2

  • Black Coin #1: Hüpfen Sie nach den drei Lift-Sprüngen auf den fliegenden Bullet Bill, um die erste schwarze Münze zu erreichen. 

  • Black Coin #2: Past the scaffolding platforms, you’ll reach three moving lifts on tracks — one is diagonal near the bottomless pit below. Jump onto the tall grey cliff and slide down to the bottom to find this black coin. Wall-jump onto the moving lift platform to escape.

  • Black Coin #3: Continuing on, at the stopwatch block that gives ou bonus time, vault-jump off the first Bullet Bill, then jump off the second and third Bullet Bills to reach this tricky black coin.

  • Black Coin #4: Next, you’ll find three lifts on vertical tracks. Land on the third lift platform, then wait until it is low — perform a low hop to wall-slide down the grey cliff. Wall-jump at the pointer to land on a hidden lift that will propel you into the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: In the section with the lifts on square-shaped tracks, stop at the second square and bounce off the Bullet Bill. Use a twirl to get so extra air and reach the coin.

Stage 2-3

  • Black Coin #1: Found above the green pipe in the first area. Wall-jump from the green platform up into the black coin’s alcove.

  • Black Coin #2: In the second room (through the green pipe) activate the blue switch and follow the blue coins. At the jump at the end, bounce off the first bat, to the second bat — to finally reach the high-up black coin.

  • Black Coin #3: On the third area, find the black coin on the edge of the bottomless pit before the green pipe. To easily get it, wall-jump above the green pipe.

  • Black Coin #4: In the fourth area, this black coin is in the corner above the upper green pipe. After navigating the tunnel of bats, there’s a tall shaft Mario can wall-jump up to reach the upper level. Drop down when you near the exit pipe and wall-jump up to reach this black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: Using the upper pipe, follow the gold coin trail — you’ll have to bounce off five bats in a row to reach the last black coin in the level.

Stage 2-4

  • Black Coin #1: To get the first black coin, bounce off the second cannon ball to the black-clad enemy on the pair of ?-blocks. That’s the only way to get enough air-time to reach the black coin.

  • Black Coin #2: Up ahead, you’ll find a higher platform that’s tough to reach. Use the smaller floating platform earlier to bounce off a canon ball or enemy, then bounce off another cannon ball to reach the upper area with many gold coins and a black coin.

  • Black Coin #3: Moving forward, follow the lower path instead of the upper. Right at the end of the lower path, there’s a flying platform with the black coin on the ledge. Aim to grab onto the ledge to collect it.

  • Black Coin #4: Continuing forward, you’ll find the black coin above a ?-block. But, there’s an enemy blocking the way. Perform a vault-jump off the black enemy on top of the ?-block to reach the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: The last one is very tricky. After dodging three horizontal cannons, you’ll jump over another single cannon that shoots right instead of left. Jump — bounce off the enemy behind the pair of diagonal cannons, then bounce off the right-facing cannon ball to reach this very tough black coin.

Stage 3-1

  • Black Coin #1: Dies ist die Welt, in der es schwieriger wird. Betätigen/treffen Sie den gelben Schalter (Yellow Switch) am Start und führen Sie dann von der höchsten Stelle des ersten L-förmigen Sets roter Blöcke aus einen sehr hohen Sprung aus (antippen und dann lange gedrückt halten). Das Lakito hat diese Münze bei sich. 

  • Black Coin #2: Before the second horizontal platform on a track, there’s a pause block pointing up at a ?-block. Stop, and time your jump to hit the ?-block (where the black coin is located) to safely land on the platform.

  • Black Coin #3: Ahead, reach the upper clouds and stay near the top of the screen. There’s another ?-block that can only be reached from the upper cloud path.

  • Black Coin #4: Stay on the upper path. Eventually you’ll find two brick blocks, and two boost blocks side-by-side near the top of the screen. Jump on those brick blocks to reach the boost blocks, then make a long-jump to the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: In the area with the enclosed Big Spinies, climb up to the upper level. The black coin is above the third Big Spiny.

Stage 3-2

  • Black Coin #1: After the very first jump, look skyward for a single block with a coin spawner. Long jump up to the block’s ledge to mantle and jump again to reach the first black coin.

  • Black Coin #2: Before the next coin spawner, jump onto the Bullet Bill and twirl to reach the floating black coin, right before Mario crosses a patch of grass.

  • Black Coin #3: Right as you leave the first patch of grass, jump onto the Bullet Bill — jump from the first, to the second, to the third, to the clouds with tons of gold coins. Jump off the high cloud and land on the red hot Bullet Bills to bounce up and into the trail of coins leading to the third black coin collectible.

  • Black Coin #4: The easiest black coin is right before Mario reaches the fourth grass patch. Simply jump onto the ?-block to the black coin. If you time it right, you can also use the Bullet Bill.

  • Black Coin #5: Stay on the upper path (with all the gold coins) after the fourth grass patch. You’ll have to jump over three Bullet Bills, then six Bullet Bills — stay on the path to find a black coin at the end.

Stage 3-3

  • Black Coin #1: Here’s a tricky one. At the second red Koopa, jump on it to get the red shell rolling. Down the path, the shell will hit a brick block and bounce left — bounce off the red shell to reach the first black coin.

  • Black Coin #2: Another tricky sequence. Ahead, stomp the green Koopa. At the diagonal boost blocks, jump and bounce off the green shell — then bounce off the goombas on the spikes. Finally, you’ll land on more boost blocks. Jump again to propel Mario into the high platform (above the green pipe) with a black coin.

  • Black Coin #3: Following the hilly zone, you’ll reach a pause block with flying Koopas ahead. Pause and jump so that Mario bounces off the flying Koopas — using them like stepping stones to reach a very high black coin.

  • Black Coin #4: Right after that, you’ll reach a bridge. Make sure you hit the green Koopa (you can hit him with the ?-block from below) and send the green shell flying forward. Stay on the lower path, and use the spring to reach the pause block above — don’t interrupt the green shell. From the pause block, wait for the green shell to smash the single brick block below that’s stopping Mario from reaching this lower-path black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: Next, use the green shells from Koopas to break blocks at the final barricaded black coin. You can’t miss it. If you can’t get inside, hit the ?-block directly past for a free backtrack. Land on the spring to shoot up and into the coin’s cage.

Stage 3-4

  • Black Coin #1: The first coin is right past the first pause block. Just time you jump so you land right past it. If you touch the pause block, you’ll have to backtrack.

  • Black Coin #2: Hop over the second pause block, too. Seeing a pattern? If you land on the second pause block, you won’t be able to reach the black coin near the spinning fireballs, beneath the ?-block.

  • Black Coin #3: Ahead, stay on the lower path and run down the gauntlet of spinning fire blocks. Near the end of the path, there’s another pause block. Use it this time, and time your jump to avoid the spinning flames to nab the third black coin.

  • Black Coin #4: Right after the third coin, jump on the boost blocks (and avoid the pause block!) to lunge forward and mantle up the grey blocks. Stay on the upper grey blocks to get the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: The last coin is easy. After landing, jump onto the single grey block and mantle-jump (tap while climbing the ledge) to reach the last black coin for World 3.

Stage 4-1

  • Black Coin #1: At the green panels, continue climbing until Mario reaches the blue switch. Hit it to convert coins into blocks, and blocks into coins. Now drop back down to the green panels and jump through the wall of gold coins (previously brick blocks) to get the first black coin.

  • Black Coin #2: To the right of the spring, there’s a brick block that contains another switch. Hit the brick block and hit the switch, then wall-jump and climb up to the temporary brick blocks (formerly coins) to reach the black coin above the yellow pipe on the right.

  • Black Coin #3: The third black coin is in the center of the third saw-blade track. The easiest (and fastest) way to get this coin is to simply take the hit and jump through the saw.

  • Black Coin #4: In the upper left-corner where the red coin spawner is found. Wall-jump up the right side, then run left to get the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: The last coin is extremely tricky. Go in with a grown-up Mario. The coin is found above the exit door. Wall-jump up the left or right side (not the middle), wall-jumping off the spikes, to reach this coin. There’s no way to avoid it, you’ll always take a hit.

Stage 4-2

  • Black Coin #1: Sliding down the very first hill, jump of the second / third Goomba to reach the floating solid blocks. You’ll need to jump across four solid blocks and a ?-block to reach this black coin.

  • Black Coin #2: Get all five red coins to earn a star power-up. The black coin is above the spikes at the second pair of springs. Jump from the second pair of springs — if you’ve got a star, you can wall-jump off the spikes to reach the coin.

  • Black Coin #3: Ahead, stay on the lower path past the ceiling green pipe. Jump at the spring to launch Mario up and into this black coin.

  • Black Coin #4: After the vertical platform launches Mario, you should see the black coin in an enclosed area. Run over it, then drop down and wall-jump to enter this area. You’ll need to land on the Koopa to reach the pointer blocks that’ll help you get to that tricky coin location.

  • Black Coin #5: The last one is easy. Jump into the cannon and wait for it to point directly up. Launch when it does.

Stage 4-3

  • Black Coin #1: Springen Sie bei den Munchers auf den Buzzy Beetle (Summender Käfer), um dessen blauen Panzer in die schwarze Münze zu katapultieren.

  • Black Coin #2: Bleiben Sie im zweiten Abschnitt der Höhle auf der unteren Ebene. Sie müssen die Buzzy Beetle Panzer/Schalen überleben, aber die Münze ist einfach zu erreichen, wenn Sie unten bleiben.

  • Black Coin #3: Wenn Sie sich in das grüne Rohr begeben, müssen Sie mitten im Fallen eine schnelle Drehung aus (twirl), während Sie den dritten Bereich betreten, um diese schwarze Münze zu erhalten.

  • Black Coin #4: In the fourth area, you’ll reach of floor of left-pointer blocks. Use the single Buzzy Beetle to bounce up and reach the single left-pointer block. Jump when you land on the raised pointer block to twirl back into the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: Enter the last area, and don’t hit the second button switch! Halfway across the platforms, there’s a Buzzy Beetle walking near the black coin on the layer of Munchers. Time your jump to land on the Buzzy Beetle to get this coin.

Stage 4-4

  • Black Coin #1: On the very first ship, after your first jump, get on the pair of ?-blocks with the jumping Ninji. Mantle on the blocks, then bounce off Ninji to reach the first black coin in this stage.

  • Black Coin #2: The next black coin is floating over a trio of engine exhaust ports. Fall into the alcove so Mario is stuck on the pipes, then jump when the flame jets are gone.

  • Black Coin #3: On the ship with the large wooden crate, there’s a black coin with several gold coins beneath even more Ninji. Jump at the right time to grab it. Hard to miss.

  • Black Coin #4: Another coin is especially hard to get because it’s blocked by exhaust flames. Drop onto the next ship down the line, wait for the flames to disappear, then wall-jump back into the coin.

  • Black Coin #5: Before the end, you’ll find another small ship with exhaust. The black coin is in the exhaust — again, you can simply wait at the pipes and jump when the fires are gone.

Stage 5-1

  • Black Coin #1: Lassen Sie sich vom Start aus mehrere Plattformen hinunterfallen, um unter den Boden aus roten Pilze (red mushroom floor) zu gelangen. Zielen Sie so, dass Sie auf der Feder (spring) landen, und springen Sie dann nach oben, um die erste schwarze Münze in Welt 5 einzusammeln.

  • Black Coin #2: Im zweiten “Abschnitt” (section) des Levels müssen Sie die zweite Feder erreichen und dann nach links wischen/antippen, um sich zu drehen (swipe left / tap to twirl). Die schwarze Münze befindet sich direkt über dem zweiten “spring launcher”.

  • Black Coin #3: At the third area, stay on the higher levels to hit a ?-block with a star. You’ll need it before entering the gauntlet of spinning Fuzzies. In the center (about), there’s a pair of two Fuzzies spinning around a black coin. If you have a star power-up, you can jump right through the Fuzzies and take the coin.

  • Black Coin #4: By the fourth area, things get tricky. Stay up on the high road until you see three trails of gold coins — aim to jump following the middle trail of coins. You’ll land on a platform beneath the highest platform. From here, you’ll be able to reach this tricky black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: Before the end, there’s a square of brick blocks on the high path. Jump so Mario can reach and mantle up this 9-brick square. Jump off it to get the nearby black coin. To reach it, you’ll need to jump onto a single brick block. Not as easy as it sounds.

Stage 5-2

  • Black Coin #1: Gleich über dem ersten Pokey aus vier Segmenten zu finden. Bleiben Sie auf der Brücken-Plattform  und machen Sie dann zwei “wall-jumps” (von den zwei Plattformen aus Ziegeln), um die Münze zu erreichen.

  • Black Coin #2: At the second pause block, jump on the flying Koopa’s head (after dodging Pokey) to send the red shell forward. Stop at the third pause block and wait for the shell to get the black coin for you.

  • Black Coin #3: At the cannon launcher, simply wait for the cannon to aim directly up.

  • Black Coin #4: In the area with the Pokeys on vertical moving platforms, there’s a ?-block near the lower side at the end of the gauntlet. The black coin is inside. To hit it, drop down to the platform with the flying Koopa. Bounce on the Koopa to make the shell hit the ?-block and collect this coin.

  • Black Coin #5: Before the end, the last black coin is only reachable from the top bridge platform, behind a bunch of super-tall Pokeys. To get it, jump on the flying Koopa in the center of this section. The red shell will lower the Pokey down the middle path enough for Mario to jump over. Otherwise, tank the hit and stay on the middle path, only jumping up into the top path after you’ve cleared the Pokeys.

Stage 5-3

  • Black Coin #1: Die erste schwarze Münze wird von einem Boo im ersten Raum gehalten – benützen Sie die “left-pointer blocks” (Blöcke, die nach links weisen), um nach hinten/rückwärts zu springen. Springen Sie auf Boos, um sie zu besiegen.  und auf Boos zu hüpfen, um sie zu besiegen.

  • Black Coin #2: The black coin is visible as you enter the second room. Use the handhold blocks to reach the platform, then make a small jump (quick tap) and twirl mid-air to get the coin without jumping too high.

  • Black Coin #3: Still in the second room, you’ll need to defeat the single Boo above to find the black coin. Wall-jump off the side of the handhold blocks above the locked door to hit the Boo and make the coin appear.

  • Black Coin #4: Visible as you enter the third room. This one is tricky; wall-jump off the two purple blocks (near the entrance door) to reach the four boost block platform. If you land it correctly, a single low jump from the boost blocks will launch Mario into the black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: The last coin is very easy. It’s left of the entrance door in the third room. Just circle around to grab it.

Stage 5-4

  • Black Coin #1: The center stencil coin in the first fire ring is a black coin. The only way to get enough height to reach it, is by landing on the left-pointer block and back-flipping into it.

  • Black Coin #2: Reach the upper path and time your jump through the three top level fire rings. The black coin is inside the fire ring that moves up and down.

  • Black Coin #3: The next three fire rings further ahead in the stages are hard to reach. One has a single block inside the ring — use a Dry Bones to bounce up and reach the block. High jump off the block to reach the black coin near the ceiling.

  • Black Coin #4: Again, stay on the top path. There are two raised platforms ahead, with three fire rings forming a column. Jump through the top of those fire rings to collect your next black coin.

  • Black Coin #5: Right on the main path. After the column of fire rings, there’s one more black coin inside a fire ring — you almost can’t miss it. Not hard to collect.

Stage 6-1

  • Black Coin #1: At the third Spike, jump on the brick block to defeat him. That also makes a yellow !-switch appear. Use the left-pointer blocks to back-flip into the switch, then wall-jump off the two red blocks that appear in the sky to grab the first black coin.

  • Black Coin #2: Ahead, there are three bridge platforms and four Spikes. Stay on the first bridge (with the second spike) to stay on a low path where this black coin can be collected.

  • Black Coin #3: Inside the cannon, fire Mario when you’re at the very top of the track. He’ll fly forward and grab the black coin.

  • Black Coin #4: Ahead, there are many bridges and scaffolds. Stay on the top level and defeat the upper Spike to make a black coin appear.

  • Black Coin #5: At the second cannon, fire when it is at the lowest point of the track. Time your launch so you don’t run into any of those spiked balls — or just tank the hit with big-Mario.

Stage 6-2

  • Black Coin #1: In the first room, hit a !-switch to make the red blocks appear. Run and jump to the top to spot the black coin. To reach it, you’ll need to jump up to the single block, then wall-jump off the upper single block.

  • Black Coin #2: Visible stuck behind red blocks in the second room. First off — do not smash the brick blocks on the right with the spring! Make the left spring appear by jumping into the single block left of the entrance door. Then hit the block between the two ?-blocks to find the !-switch. Hit the !-switch, jump on top of the wall of brick blocks on the right to reach the left spring, jump onto the four red blocks with the exit door, and you’ll be able to get the black coin.

  • Black Coin #3: There are six stencil coins in the second room. Make them appear by running through — one of those coins is a black coin.

  • Black Coin #4: There’s a P-switch to the right of the ?-block in the third room. Activate it to defeat every Boo in the area, making the black coin appear with a bunch of gold coins too.

  • Black Coin #5: To get the black coin at the top of the third room, hit the left hidden P-switch (inside the brick blocks) to make a trail of blue coins. Follow it, hit the yellow !-switch, don’t go through the door, and jump to the black coin once you rotate around the room.

Stage 6-3

  • Black Coin #1: Use the first spring (and a twirl) to mantle up onto the twin ?-blocks with the Ninji. The black coin is very close to the top of the screen, and can be reached from that platform.

  • Black Coin #2: Don’t use the second spring. Instead, fall off the side of the ship — the black coin is placed in a dangerously precarious spot. You’ll need to land so Mario grapples onto the side of the ship and mantles up, hanging off the ledge.

  • Black Coin #3: Past the third spring, you’ll find the next black coin in a seemingly unreachable spot. To get this one, wall-jump off the single ?-block and slide down the side of the ship. Once you get the black coin, wall-jump again to safety.

  • Black Coin #4: Ahead, there’s a platform with four ?-blocks and a Ninji. Bounce off the Ninji while it is jumping to get enough height to reach the net black coin. You might need to throw in a twirl for bonus air-time too.

  • Black Coin #5: On the series of small ships with a Rocky Wrench enemy on each, stay on the upper path and bounce off the rocky when there’s a raised ship (over another ship) to reach the black coin.

Stage 6-4

  • Black Coin #1: Treffen Sie den zweiten ?-Block, der ziemlich in der Mitte des Levels schwebt.

  • Black Coin #2: Bleiben Sie auf derthird-level platform“ (eine Plattform unter der obersten), bis Sie eine sich drehende Feuerfalle auf grauen Blöcken finden. Die schwarze Münze befindet sich direkt hinter der Fire Bar.

  • Black Coin #3: Bleiben Sie nun auf dem niedrigsten/untersten Pfad. Warten Sie vom Erdgeschoss/von der Bodenebene (ground floor) aus, bis Sie am Ende einer langen linie grauer Blöcke einen weiteren ?-Block sehen. Treffen Sie diesen, um die dritte schwarze Münze zu erhalten.

  • Black Coin #4: Wenn Sie auf dem Pfad am Boden (ground path) bleiben, schwebt die nächste schwarze Münze über einem Abgrund über der Lava/Fall in die Lava. Springen Sie sehr hoch, um sie zu erreichen.

  • Black Coin #5: Zielen Sie nach dem hohen Sprung (high jump) auf den ?-Block, der ein Stück voraus erscheint (in der Mitte des Levels), um Ihre letzte schwarze Münze zu erhalten.



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