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Saints Row: The Third – Standalone ‚Enter The Dominatrix’ bekanntgegeben


saints row the third enter the dominatrix 01

Können Sie sich noch an THQs Aprilscherz erinnern? Nun stellt sich heraus, dass es gar kein Scherz war, denn nun gab der Publisher bekannt, dass die Standalone-Erweiterung Enter The Dominatrix für Saints Row: The Third wirklich im Herbst erscheinen wird.

Sie wird für PC, PlayStation 3 und Xbox 360 erscheinen, $29,99 kosten und „das von der Saints Row Community meistgewünschte Feature“ bieten: verdammte Superkräfte.

“Faster than a speeding cyber jetbike, more powerful than a roided-out Luchadore, able to leap flying aircraft carriers in a single bound… That’s the power you’ll find inside the Dominatrix. Use it for good. Use it for evil. Use it for whatever you want. As always in Saints Row, it’s up to you“, sagte Danny Bilson, EVP of Core Games von THQ.

Enter The Dominatrix spielt nach den Ereignissen von Saints Row: The Third. Hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Plots, direkt vom Entwickler:

For centuries, alien warlord Zinyak has eyed Earth and its precious natural resources and females with a watchful eye. As he prepares an armada for invasion, he has only one worry: the Third Street Saints.Once a simple street gang from Stilwater, the Saints have evolved into a global empire, replete with bombastic TV advertising and tasteful consumer products, the kind of TV advertising and consumer products that would give any alien warlord pause. Clearly, the Saints are the biggest badasses on Earth.

Now, in order to prepare his forces for domination, Zinyak captures the leader of the Saints and imprisons him in an elaborate virtual reality simulation. This simulation program looks and feels like Steelport, but it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Here, you are a slave. Welcome… to the Dominatrix.

Enter The Dominatrix dürfte irgendwann im Sommer herauskommen.

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