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So funktioniert das Kampfsystem von The Elder Scrolls Online


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Nick Konkle, der Gameplay Designer von The Elder Scrolls Online, erklärte vor kurzem, wie das Team versucht, die Prinzipien der Elder Scrolls Spiele in ein MMORPG zu übertragen.

Ihre Fähigkeitenleiste (Skill Bar) in The Elder Scrolls Online verfügt über sechs Plätze und Nick Konkle lässt uns mit großem Enthusiasmus wissen, wofür man diese nützen kann.

„Die ersten beiden Plätze hängen von der Waffe aus, mit der der Spieler gerade ausgerüstet ist. Wenn er einen Bogen benützt, sind die ersten beiden Plätze für Bogenangriffe reserviert, wenn er ein Schwert benützt, handelt es sich um Schwertangriffe. Jeder bringt das zustande und jeder kann darin gut sein. Das ist eine Art Qualitätsmerkmal der Elder Scrolls Spiele, das wir selbstverständlich auch in unserem Spiel anbieten wollen.“

„Your first two slots are derived from your weapon. If I pick up a bow they’re bow attacks and if I pick up a sword then they’re sword attacks. If I continue to use that weapon over a period of time, I will get better with it, which will give me a wider variety of things that I can potentially do with my weapon attacks. So I can gain mastery of it by virtue of having it equipped, but I can still pick up any weapon in the game and be good with it. And that’s true of anyone.

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„On top of that, if I continue to use that weapon over a period of time I will get better with it which will give me a wider variety of things that I can potentially do with my weapon attacks. So I can gain mastery of it by virtue of having it equipped, but I can still pick up any weapon in the game and be good with it and that’s true of anyone. I think that’s an essential part of it.

„Your next three slots are derived from your class. You will have over the course of your progression many abilities and spells that you will get, more than three. But you want to pick the three that you think will support your weapon loadout in an interesting way.

„So if I picked bow as my sort of principle weapon attack I might pick three abilities that are sort of snares. And that sort of creates a character that you might understand, like: ‘Okay, cool, I want to slow up a guy and pick him off and continue to kite him, cause I feel like that’s the gameplay I want to do.’

„And your sixth ability is your ultimate. It’s also a class ability and I will have more than one available to me through my overall progression but I can only ever put one on my bar because it’s really powerful. And you’re going to want to pick the one that supports that overall.

„So I might just pick Summon Frost Atronach. And a Frost Atronach’s going to fall out of the sky and smash anyone he lands on, and then hang around and start beating on people. Yeah, that totally supports by rangery bow metaphor from earlier. That’s the character I wanted to play.

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PvP Designer Brian Wheeler fügt hinzu: „People also scream ‘Oh my god that is awesome’ when a Frost Atronach comes down.”

Das passiert wirklich.

„Der Schlüssel ist, dass man diese Fähigkeiten, wie auch die Waffen, von Anfang an effektiv nützen kann, aber dass man sie wirklich lange einsetzen muss, um sie zu meistern. Das ähnelt sehr stark dem System der Elder Scrolls Spiele, das wir auf unsere Weise interpretieren.

„Und ich denke, dass die Tiefe dieses Systems zu einem guten Teil daher kommt, dass man diese Fähigkeiten jederzeit austauschen kann, sofern man nicht gerade kämpft.

„So if I’m finding that this build just isn’t working and I’m getting countered over and over by sneaky rogues or fireballs, I can take the ability that I feel is going to help me in this scenario, and build a new character and try it out, and have this sort of deck building game… I’ll have varying levels of expertise with them, but by trying out various builds and various decks I’m going to become a master of all of them eventually.”

Klingt wirklich sehr interessant und sehr Elder Scroll-artig. Hoffentlich kann das fertige Spiel halten, was da angekündigt wird.

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