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Halo 4: Wir werden Master Chiefs Gesicht nicht zu sehen bekommen, aber er wird möglicherweise sterben


halo 4 master chief news 01

343 Industries wird das Gesicht des Master Chief in Halo 4 nicht enthüllen, aber der Tod des Kultcharakters ist nicht völlig ausgeschlossen.

Frank O’Connor, der Development Director der Halo Franchise, meinte vor kurzem: „Wir sind nicht bereit, das Gesicht des Master Chief zu zeigen.“

Das Gesicht des Master Chief war nie auf einem offiziellen Halo Bild oder in einem Film zu sehen, aber sein Aussehen wird in den Büchern genau beschrieben. O’Connor erklärt dies wie folgt:

“The funny thing about the Chief is he’s actually really well described. If you went down into that line and found a nerd with a deep canon Halo t-shirt and said describe the Master Chief to this police sketch artist, that police sketch artist would then produce a perfectly accurate rendering of an older man, almost painfully pale, almost albino white, with pale blue eyes, reddish hair, close cropped to a skin head, and maybe the last remnants of freckles he had when he was a kid.

“It’s funny we don’t then show his face. But that’s a device to keep the player invested in the character and keep the player from constantly being reminded that they’re not a hero or that they have to be a boy or they have to be a girl, or whatever that is.”

Es mag zwar nicht in Frage kommen, das Gesicht des Master Chief zu zeigen, aber O’Connor wurde auch gefragt, ob es möglich wäre, dass der Held bald stirbt. Er antwortete:

“That’s a conversation I can’t get into. I’ll say that in Halo 4, things happen. Previously we’ve been scared to commit to difficult paths in our game, but good interesting stories have things that happen in them that are not comfortable and that are meaningful and that are permanent.

“I’m not trying to hint at something other than our general philosophy and the shift in the attitude we’re taking about storytelling. We can make the story matter more to people by doing things that matter. That’s not rocket science. Luckily we have a publisher and owner that allows us that freedom and they trust us to make the right decisions with the fiction and the universe.”

Kurz zusammengefasst: Ja, die Macher sind bereit, ihn zu töten, falls es die Geschichte erfordert, aber sie wollen nicht verraten, ob dies schon in Halo 4 passieren wird.

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