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Ausstrahlung eines Zombie-Videospielwerbespots verboten, weil er einen Selbstmord zeigt


Seht euch diesen Werbespot gut an, liebe Australier, denn ihr werdet ihn auf euren Fernsehschirmen nie wieder sehen.

Als Reaktion auf Beschwerden von Sehern hat das australische Advertising Standards Board (Werbeaufsicht) die Ausstrahlung dieses Werbespots für Dead Island: Riptide verboten, und zwar deshalb, weil darin „images which are strongly suggestive of suicide" zu sehen sind.

Der lokale Publisher AIE verteidigte den Spot wie folgt:

The cinematic implication of violence in the advertisement is intended to convey the desolate terror afflicting the game characters, and I believe is contextually relevant to the product being advertised, as it conveys the hopelessness of the games’ characters as they are faced with the overwhelming horror and violence of vast numbers of zombies hunting them, without actually depicting the violence of zombie vs character interaction in the game.

The final scene of the advertisement shows the logo of the game, which consists of a silhouetted palm tree, signifying the island in the game title, a silhouetted zombie hanging by the neck from the palm tree, signifying the dead in the game title, placed to the left of the title ‘Dead Island Riptide’ which is written in dark dripping red to appear bloody.

Aber das ASB wollte dieser Argmentation nicht folgen und entschied:

The Board noted the fantasy content and the stylised nature of the advertisement and considered that the issue of suicide is a depiction of violence which is not justifiable even in the context of an advertisement for a computer game aimed at adults.

The issue of suicide is a very significant community concern and considered that the use of images which are strongly suggestive of suicide is not appropriate in the context of a television advertisement for a computer game.

Gut, dass sich „Mitglieder der Öffentlichkeit“ nur über den Werbespot beklagten, nicht über das Spiel selbst...

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