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Blizzard: „Es wird in World of Warcraft Mikrotransaktionen geben“


world of warcraft mikrotransaktionen 02

Blizzard hat vor kurzem bestätigt, dass, ja, an einem In-Game-Mikrotransaktionen-Store für World of Warcraft gearbeitet wird.

"First, we’ll be testing the in-game store with some new kinds of items we’re looking into introducing (in Asian regions, at the outset) based on player feedback: specifically, an experience buff to assist with the leveling process, as well as an alternate way to acquire Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. We’ve had a lot of requests from players in different regions for convenience-oriented items such as these, and as with other new ideas we’ve introduced asWoW has evolved—including Pet Store pets, mounts, and more—your feedback plays a hugely important part in determining what we add to the game."

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