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Dragon’s Dogma Achievements


dragons dogma achievements 01

Nun, es sieht ganz danach aus, als seien da die Achievements von Dragon’s Dogma vorzeitig an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt. Da das Spiel in ungefähr eineinhalb Monaten erscheint, war damit wohl zu rechnen. Falls Sie wissen wollen, welche Achievements Sie erringen können und welche Aufgaben das Spiel für Sie bereithält, sollten Sie die Liste genau studieren. Dragon’s Dogma erscheint am 25. Mai für PlayStation 3 und Xbox 360.

The Patron

Helped Madeleine open her shop

The Coin Collector

Earned a total of 10,000,000G.

The Ever-Turning Wheel

Completed the adventure a second time.

The Explorer

Visited 150 locations

The Vagabond

Visited 100 locations

The Tourist

Visited 50 locations.

Into the Frontier Caverns

Entered the southwestern caves.

Into the Manse

Entered the duke's manse.

Into Soulflayer Canyon

Entered the Soulflayer Canyon.

Into the Ancient Quarry

Entered the ancient quarry.

Into Dripstone Cave

Entered the azure caverns.

Affinity and Beyond

Raised a person's affinity to the maximum.

The Escort

Acted as a reliable travel companion.

The Philanthropist

Gave 50 presents.

A Queen's Regalia

Dressed a male party member in women's clothing.

Well Equipped

Obtained 350 pieces total of weapons and armor.

The Artisan

Combined two materials to make an item.

The Knave

Obtained a forgery.

The Savior

Used a Wakestone to restore the dead to life.

Inhuman Resources

Changed your main pawn's vocation.

The Captain

Enlisted a large number of pawns.

Foreign Recruit

Enlisted a pawn to your party from beyond the rift.

Local Recruit

Directly enlisted a pawn to your party.

The Veteran

Defeated 3,000 enemies.

The Specialist

Learned all the skills of a single vocation.

Human Resources

Changed your vocation.

The Hero

Completed all pre-planned, non-notice board quests.

The Laborer

Completed 50 notice board quests.

Quelle: XBOX 360 Achievements

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