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Das „Beste“ der Beschwerden über Diablo III


diablo 3 troll

Das Theater ist immer dasselbe: Großes Spiel wird veröffentlicht, Probleme treten auf. Aber im Falle von Diablo III waren der Rummel und die Veröffentlichung noch größer, was nach 12 Jahren Entwicklung mehr als nur verständlich ist. Und die Probleme? Die scheinen ebenfalls größer zu sein. Und wenn das passiert, werden die Leute wütend.

Wie schon mehrmals erwähnt, entpuppt sich das „always-on“ Feature von Diablo III als ziemlich problematisch, was zur Folge hat, dass zahllose Spieler immer wieder besonders mit Error 37 und Error 3003 zu kämpfen haben, die einem das Spielen durchaus verleiden können. Das Spielen von Diablo III ist derzeit nicht gerade eine entspannte und entspannende Angelegenheit.

Und die Reaktionen darauf waren… nicht gerade gut. Die Spieler haben gutes Geld für die Spielerfahrung auf den Tisch gelegt, doch die Spielerfahrung war für viele bisher alles andere als gut. Sie haben jedes Recht, sich zu beschweren. Kein Wunder, dass das Spiel auf Metacritic niedergemacht wird, wo die Kritiken besonders brutal sind. Auf Amazon gibt es ebenfalls beißende Kritik, aber weniger gehässig vorgetragen. Der generelle Ton ist jedoch einer von Frustration und Wut.

Einige der Kritiken erscheinen reflexhaft und haben nichts mit dem Gameplay zu tun – hier machen sich Leute Luft, die online gehen wollten, aber nicht konnten. Andere scheinen das Spiel wirklich nicht zu mögen, was in Ordnung ist. Und wieder andere sind einfach nur Trolle (aber lustige!).

Aber sehen wir uns nicht die normalen Beschwerden an. Wenden wir uns einigen der „besten“ Hasstiraden gegen Diablo III zu. (Warnung: Spoiler!)

You know when they sold the rights to The Neverending Story 1 & 2 to some random production company and they came out with a steaming pile called The Neverending Story 3 that went straight to VHS? Well that pretty much describes Diablo 3.

This is for that what i must wait fuc*ing 7th june. This is for that what i must wait fuc*ing 7th june. This is for that what i must wait fuc*ing 7th june. This is for that what i must wait fuc*ing 7th june. This is for that what i must wait fuc*ing 7th june. This is for that what i must wait fuc*ing 7th june. This is for that what i must wait fuc*ing 7th june.

Diablo 3 is so boring you would have more fun at a bingo hall. Also the connection problems at launch are awful and show how incompetent Blizzard is. The graphics in game are also not close to what a Diablo game should look like.

Decade of experience running online games to have the game fail to launch ON SINGLE PLAYER due to their network. They took everything that was Diablo and flushed it down the toilet, from gameplay to graphics.

I have paid for a game and can not even start a single player!? What exactly is on that disc?! It is a sick joke... Give my money and wasted time back!

They've had 10 years to make this game and when the game went live only 600 players were online... Hours later only 1000 players were able to get on! Its been like this the whole entire launch!

If your a true Diablo series fan you'll know its a gothic themed game and it'll break your heart to find out that the act 1 boss is damn fairy queen that looks like the disney villain maleficent

Diablo 3 is out. It took 11 years to make. The graphics look 10 years old and its only 6 hours long. But don't worry kids you can buy hats with moms credit card!

You want 150 words minimum to accept my review? Ok. FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL. DO NOT BUY !!! SERIOUSLY. Vote with your wallet, dont give these **** money.

One of the worst play time to cost ratios. I could have a whole day at a paintball stadium for the money I shelled for this game, which, due to an unstable internet connection, I can't even play smoothly, even though I'm only interested in single player. Good job, Blizzard.

If you want a watered down, pay2win piece of junk, Diablo 3 is just the ultimate game in this regards. Don't expect to find a game reminiscent of the jewels such as Diablo 1+2 (actually made by different people). Only saving grace is... no wait I can't think of one.

This game is a massive pile of **** It shouldn't be named like that. WoW is nice like a prostate cancer, and this "Diablo"3 is like a bunch of bloody hemorrhoids in your mouth.

stupid game,GO TO HELL!. oh wait, it's already in hell. All about it is disappointing. I've been a Diablo fan for a long time but then you give me this.. What the hell Blizzard? This all errors things and your stupid DRM giving me a headache. Why no in steam? money whoring company

Blizzard apparently had no idea how many people would REALLY want to play this game AFTER WAITING FOR 12 YEARS! The North Koreans had better launches last month than this. Way to go Blizzard.

It is a very good game, VERY GOOD!!!! It even comes with a challenge, beat the login server, error 37 is the prime evil, if you beat it, all will obey your orders. Now seriously, if you don't mind spending 3 hours to get in, you should totally buy, if not, don't waste your money.

the worst first person shooter I've ever played cant even log in, and i even stood in line for at least two hours to pay for this dont waste your money BLIZZARD IS FINISHED

Can blizzard just crawl into a hole and sit there until they starve to death. after they do that they can come back as undead and try to make the game work

Never played it. And now thanks to all of your reviews i will never buy it and play it. Thanks for saving my money. I don't usually follow what people say but the majority is overwhelming.

Zu guter Letzt möchte ich Ihnen noch den Internet-Komiker Francis präsentieren. Seine Wut mag nicht so echt sein wie die, die in den Äußerungen oben zum Ausdruck kommt, aber sie fast die derzeitige Stimmung gut zusammen.

Diablo III [Metacritic]

Diablo III: Standard Edition [Amazon]

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