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Diablo III: Blizzard streicht den ‚Team Deathmatch’ PvP Modus


diablo 3 team deathmatch pvp mode axed 01

Diablo IIIs Team Deathmatch Modus, der auf einigen großen Conventions gezeigt und seit Monaten immer wieder versprochen wurde — wird nicht kommen. Blizzard gab vor kurzem bekannt, dass dieser Modus endgültig gestrichen wurde.

Das Spieler gegen Spieler (Player vs. Player) F war einfach nicht gut genug, schrieb Jay Wilson, der Lead Designer von Diablo III, gestern auf Battle.net:

So, our core problem is that our Team Deathmatch mode doesn't feel like a great addition to Diablo III. It's not up to the quality that Blizzard gamers expect or that we feel you deserve, and it doesn't really fit with our goals for the rest of the game. The question now is what are we going to do about it?

First and foremost, if our original goal was to support dueling, then we're not achieving that goal very well if we don't actually give players a way to duel in-game. You've been asking us for dueling for a while, so we're going to add it to the game soon. Dueling is currently scheduled to release with patch 1.0.7, which is set to hit sometime after the new year. (We'll be providing details about that feature very soon, so stay tuned.)

But as I mentioned before, we are going back to the drawing board on a new replacement for Team Deathmatch, something that feels more appropriate for Diablo III. And as we stated previously, regardless of when we release it, it'll be a free addition to the game. Team Deathmatch provided us with the foundation that we needed and served us well. Hell, it may even still be added in some form in the future. For now, though, we're going to first be looking at new modes that play up to the strengths of the character classes, focus on objectives beyond just defeating other players, and possibly even integrate PvE elements and rewards.

Eine weitere Enttäuschung im Zusammenhang mit Diablo III

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