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The Witcher 3 beinhaltet nette Seitenhiebe gegen DRM

Oben sehen Sie eine nette Stichelei von The Witcher 3 Entwickler CD Projekt Red. Das polnische Studio steht der restriktiven Anti-Piraterie-Methode bekannt als Digital Rights Management (DRM) sehr kritisch gegenüber.
Falls Sie diesen Text nicht lesen können – ja, The Witcher 3 hat ein Problem mit der Textgröße -, hier ist er in lesbarer Form:
The Defensive Regulatory Magicon (or DRM for short) belongs to the above-mentioned group of the longest-lasting, most effective and hardest to break defensive mechanisms. In order to recognize the individual administering it, it makes use of a portal mounted at the entrance of the area it is to defend. This portal passes streams of magical energy through the body of the person entering and can, in the blink of an eye, determine if this person has the corporeal signature (eyeball structure included) of the entitled administrator. As a result, the only unauthorized individuals that can possibly hope to enter are mimics.
DRM thus makes for an extremely effective and near-unbreakable security measure - but you are in luck, for you hold in your hands the key to bypassing it, namely the present tome, Gottfried’s Omni-opening Grimore, or GOG for short. In the pages to follow you will find innumerable methods for deactivating DRM, or, even better, bypassing it altogether (…)
Gut gemacht, CD Projekt Red. Wirklich gut gemacht.

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