Das Neueste

Das in der 1920+ Welt angesiedelte Iron Harvest sieht vielversprechend aus


Steampunk-Mecha für viele, viele Tage


iron harvest trailer 02b


Vor kurzem veröffentlichte King Art Games einen coolen Teaser Trailer für das kommende Spiel Iron Harvest. Dieses Echtzeitstrategie-Spiel soll 2019 für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und PC erscheinen. Es ist in der alternativen Realität von 1920+ angesiedelt, die vom polnischen Künstler Jakub Różalski geschaffen wurde.


Mir gefällt, was ich in diesem Pre-Alpha-Trailer sehe:



bis jetzt hat das Unternehmen, wenn man vom Setting einmal absieht, kaum etwas über die Story und andere Details des Spiels verraten. Diese Zurückhaltung wurde nun aufgegeben, denn auf der offiziellen Website des Spiels sind nun folgende Informationen zu finden:


Iron Harvest
“After World War 1 farmers found a plethora of unexploded ordnance, barbed wire, weapons, shrapnel and bullets while ploughing their fields. They called it the Iron Harvest.”
The Game
Iron Harvest is a real-time strategy game (RTS) for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC, set in the alternate reality of 1920+.
You lead hero characters, mechs, and soldiers into battle. Cover mechanics and dynamic destruction play a major role in combat. Your squads take cover automatically, but a simple brick wall will only offer protection against small calibers, not against mech-mounted cannons.
Throughout its open sandbox levels you have to find your own way to reach the goals set by the dynamic story line.
1920+ was developed by Polish artist Jakub Różalski and earned him a cult-following because of his beautiful artworks painted in the style of the old masters.
“We love games like Company of Heroes or Men at War and want to bring a similar gameplay experience to this fantastic world Jakub created.” Jan Theysen, Project Lead at King Art Games.
The game is in its early development phase and is scheduled to launch 2019.
The World
The game takes place in the world of 1920+, an alternate version of our own world where mankind, fascinated by technology, engines and iron, invented powerful walking machines. Once mighty weapons on the battlefields of the Great War, they are now part of everyday life.
Mighty factions fight for influence, while hidden forces are working towards the destabilization of Europe, determined to set the world on fire once again.
  • The Saxony Empire is one of the most influential countries in Europe, with powerful industry, developed cities, modern factories and a strong military tradition. After the unfavorable conditions of surrender in the Great War, the current mood in the Empire is bad, and proud elites and humiliated aristocrats secretly oppose the Emperor’s appeasement policies.
  • The Polania Republic is a large agricultural country with a long history. It is trying to maintain its status and territory, struggling with its aggressive neighbors: The Saxony Empire in the west and Rusviet in the east. Polania initiated a program to modernize its army while a large part of the country is still occupied by Rusviet forces.
  • Rusviet is huge, powerful, and has unmatched industrial and population potential. However, the country is tired and worn out by the long war. People are frustrated, and the power of Tsar Nikolaj weakens. Mysterious Grigori Rasputin has become an extraordinarily powerful man and revolution is in the air...

Ich interessiere mich sehr für das, was hier geboten werden soll. Auf die 1920+ Welt stieß ich erstmals, als ich von einer Kickstarter-Kampagne für ein Brettspiel namens Scythe hörte, das ebenso auf ihr basiert wie Iron Harvest. Ich verliebte mich in Jakubs Entwürfe, die mich veranlassten, das Brettspiel finanziell zu unterstützen. Deshalb freut es mich, dass wir potenziell mehr 1920+ bekommen werden. Schade ist allerdings, dass der visuelle Stil von Jakubs Konzepten im Videospiel allem Anschein nach nicht beibehalten wird.

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