Das Neueste

Hardcore-Fan schneidet 3 Uncharted Spiele zu Filmen um


uncharted movies 01

Die Uncharted-Serie ist vor allem für ihre filmreifen Actionsequenzen bekannt, die die Spieler sowohl im Rahmen des Gameplay als auch in filmischen Zwischensequenzen erleben. Vielfach hört man, die Spiele seien interaktive Filme.

Die Titel der Uncharted-Reihe gehören zu den absoluten Lieblingsspielen des Reddit-Nutzers morphinapg, weshalb er sich dazu entschloss, sie zu drei Spielfilmen zusammenzuschneiden. Seine Werke sind zwischen 100 und 120 Minuten lang.

With these projects I was trying to make movies that would be viewable whether or not you had played the game, or even care about playing video games, so I wanted to make them as close to a real movie as possible. This meant taking out as many chapter titles, button prompts, and more to make it seem less like a video game. There were certain aspects I wasn't able to remove, such as the current weapon selected, or an occasional button prompt.

I tried to focus mostly on the cinematics, but also include the minimum amount of gameplay to link them, especially focusing on the more cinematic elements of gameplay. I wanted to make sure not to cut any cutscenes or any gameplay that would leave the viewer confused if they hadn't played the game, so in the end Uncharted 2 and 3 were quite long, but that's just because the stories are much more complicated than Uncharted 1's. Either way it's still a lot shorter than playing the real game, so if you are ever in the mood to watch the story of one of these games in one sitting, but don't have the time to play the entire game through, then these are great for that purpose, or if you want to show these games' stories to friends or family that don't care about playing video games.

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