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GTA IV: Okay, Rockstar, aber was würde Niko Bellic wirklich tun?


grand theft auto 4 feature 01

Niko Bellic, der Protagonist von Grand Theft Auto IV, muss im Laufe seines Abenteuers in Liberty City einige schwierige Entscheidungen treffen. Nun, Sie müssen die Entscheidungen für ihn treffen.

Aber was hätte Niko getan?

Genau diese Frage stellte ein Fan von Rockstar Games’ Epos aus dem Jahre 2008 im Rahmen einer Q&A-Session auf der Website des Unternehmens. Hier ist die Antwort von Rockstar:

SPOILER WARNUNG - "Kill or spare Ivan Bytchkov? Kill or spare Cherise Glover? Kill Playboy X or Dwayne Forge? Kill or spare Clarance Little? Kill Francis McReary or Derrick McReary? Kill or spare Darko Brevic?
Take the deal or get revenge? I know what I'd do but I wanna know what [Niko] would do. You designed him so you know him better than I do." – Mike Sean Clifton

Rockstar: That's a very interesting question. The choices that you make in Grand Theft Auto IV while in the shoes of Niko Bellic are completely down to personal preference. Your conscience and curiosity help Niko to make decisions throughout the game, so we really don't have a straight and true path for how the Niko ‘character' would react in life or death situations – it's all down to the individual who plays him, and our hope was to have a fairly even split in all of the choices, so they seemed like real dilemmas. In terms of outcomes (something Niko would not know at the time) there is a ‘best pathway' which is the sort of thing we reveal when we do a tips post, but that is from a pure game design / mechanics perspective as some choices give you more advantages than others, not from the choices Niko might make at the time. Those are up to you.

Ich tötete Playboy. Ich weiß nicht mehr, was ich in den anderen Fällen tat. Was ich denke, dass Niko getan hätte? Sich keine Gedanken gemacht. Dieser Typ war ein kaltblütiger Killer und sicher kein guter Unterhalter im Comedy Club.

Asked & Answered: Max Payne 3 and Grand Theft Auto V [Rockstar Games offizielle Site]

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