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Doppelt so viele Spieler können SimCity spielen, da „die Server-Reaktionszeit um das 40-fache verbessert wurde“


simcity more players ccan play 01

Nach der gestrigen Twitter Q&A Session gab Maxis' Lucy Bradshaw in einem Blogeintrag weitere Details bekannt und legte dar, was ihr Studio tut, um SimCitys Serverprobleme zu beheben und möglichst allen Spielern Zugang zum Spiel zu ermöglichen.

"Maxis continues to make huge progress in addressing the lag and server-capacity issues we experienced at launch“, schrieb sie. "We've improved our server response time by 40x, we've doubled the number of players in the game at the same time and reduced server down times."

Das soll aber nicht bedeuten, dass jetzt schon alles perfekt wäre. Doppelt so viele Spieler im Spiel ist eine sehr relative Angabe, da es sich hier ja um ein Spiel handelt, das sehr viele überhaupt nicht spielen können. Es können also jetzt etwas weniger Spieler nicht spielen. "The situation is good, but not good enough. And since my boss is one of the negatively affected (!) - we're still driving hard to get everyone online, playing together, and no hitches."

Hier ist der Rest von Bradshaws aktuellstem Update:

I'll keep this short since almost everyone who cares is busy building cities and making friends in SimCity.

Maxis continues to make huge progress in addressing the lag and server-capacity issues we experienced at launch. We've improved our server response time by 40x, we've doubled the number of players in the game at the same time and reduced server down times.

The situation is good, but not good enough. And since my boss is one of the negatively affected (!) - we're still driving hard to get everyone online, playing together, and no hitches.

Tens of thousands of new players are logging in every day. For that support – that commitment from our fans — we are deeply grateful. More than anything, we know that information is important to our players. Our Twitter chat today made that especially clear, and I want to say thank you sharing your ideas, your issues and for being, well, nicer than I thought you would be, given everything you've been through. Thank you.

The new servers we rolled out have a new faster set up. We are now dedicated to updating our original servers so that those of you who have been playing these past few days can get the benefits on servers where your cities are played. To do this, we will have to take the original servers down one by one to upgrade them. The improvements will be worth the downtime, and thanks for hanging with us as we do this. We'll also be adding more tonight as well. We'll be sending out detailed info shortly through our community forums and launcher.

That's it for today. We'll keep you updated on what's to come. Expect the first of our server upgrades to start this evening.

SimCity Update 2 [EA]

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