Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Cheats und Tipps


Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Cheats and Tips 01

Wenn sie sich für Geheimnisse, Unlockables, Achievements und andere Extras interessieren, sind Sie hier auf der Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Seite genau richtig.

Die Leute von Gearbox haben im neuesten Borderlands Titel wieder aller Dinge versteckt, die darauf warten, von Ihnen gefunden zu werden. Es handelt sich dabei um geheime Herausforderungen, Easter Eggs, freischaltbare Kostüme und versteckte Ausrüstung. Wenn Sie sich wirklich nichts entgehen lassen möchten, sollten Sie immer wieder einmal vorbeischauen, denn es wird Updates geben.

Cheats und Tipps

Updates folgen.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – So können Sie den geheimen Boss Nel herbeirufen (Secret Boss Guide)

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – PC Console Commands (PC-Konsolenbefehle)

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Customization Heads Drop Locations List (So kommen Sie zu alternativen Köpfen für die wichtigsten Charaktere)

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Geheimer Boss „Iwajira“ Easter Egg Guide

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – So kommen Sie zu beliebig vielen Moonstones (Exploit Guide)

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Das Sieben Easter Egg kehrt zurück

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Geheimer Mario Bros. Bereich (Easter Egg)

Das neue Borderlands Spiel hat seine eigenen „Loot Caves“ (Exploit Guide)

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – So finden Sie das legendäre Excalibastard Easter Egg

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – So können Sie Gegenstände verdoppeln (Item Dupe Exploit Guide)

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – 2001 Monolith Easter Egg

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – The Fifth Element ZF-1 Easter Egg (Guide)

Liste der Achievements

Side Quest Student (15 points):
Completed 30 side missions.

Moon Mission Meister (25 points):
Completed all of the side missions.

Grind ‘n’ Bear It (15 points):
Use the grinder to create an item.

The Bigger They Are (50 points):
Defeated the Invincible Empyrean Sentinel.

Mouth to Mouth (15 points):
Revived 10 players with oxygen.

Air Supremacy (25 points):
Killed 100 enemies with Wolf.

No, I’m Athena! (25 points):
Killed 100 enemies with Aspis.

That Helped, Right? (25 points):
Experienced all Vault Hunter Modes using Vault Hunter.EXE.

Executioner (25 points):
Killed 10 enemies in a single activation of Showdown.

That Tasted Purple! (20 points):
Had Purple-rated gear or better equipped in every slot.

Challenger (20 points):
Completed level 1 of all challenges with a single character.

Space Rookie (5 points):
Reached level 5.

Lunar Lieutenant (10 points):
Reached level 10.

Moon Master (15 points):
Reached level 25.

Space Lord (25 points):
Reached level 50.

Moxxi’s Sampler (10 points):
Tried all the Moxxtails in the Up Over bar in Concordia.

Lunar Looter (20 points):
Looted 10 Moonstone Chests.

I Come From The Land Up Over (20 points):
Discovered all names locations in Serenity’s Waste, Triton Flats and Stanton’s Liver.

Beam Me Up (20 points):
Discover all names locations aboard the Helios Space Station.

Eeridian Explorer (20 points):
Discovered all named locations in Outlands Canyon, Outlands Spur and Vorago Solitude.

Cosmic Completionist (30 points):
Discovered all named locations.

High Fashion (15 points):
Unlocked 10 Customization items.

The Duelist (10 points):
Won a duel.

Collateral Damage (20 points):
Had a Lost Legion Eternal kill 3 of his friends.

360 No Scope (20 points):
While airborne, spin 360 degrees then got a kill with a Sniper Rifle without using the scope.

Expensive Taste (30 points):
Used the Grinder to create a Legendary item.

Ice To Meet You (20 points):
Shattered three frozen enemies with a single slam attack.

Elementalist (20 points):
Had an enemy frozen, corroded, ignited, and electrocuted at the same time.

Pancake Parlor (20 points):
Pancaked an enemy in the Stingray.

Who Needs Air? (20 points):
Suffocated for five continuous minutes without dying.

Secret Achievements

Invaders Must Die (10 points):
Completed the mission “Lost Legion Invasion”.

Welcome To The Rock (15 points):
Completed the mission “Marooned”.

Dejamminated (15 points):
Completed the mission “Systems Jammed”.

I Shot The Meriff (15 points):
Completed the mission “A New Direction”.

Drakensburg, Schmakensburg (20 points):
Completed the mission “Intelligences Of The Artificial Persuasion”.

Who Constructs The Constructor? (20 points):
Completed the mission “Let’s Build A Robot Army”.

Helios Rising (20 points):
Completed the mission “Home Sweet Home”.

Brain Drain (20 points):
Completed the mission “Science And Violence”.

The Guts Of Helios (25 points):
Completed the mission “Watch Your Step”.

A House Divided (25 points):
Completed the mission “Eye To Eye”.

Vault Hunter Superior (25 points):
Defeated the Opha Superior.

Multi Face-eted (50 points):
Defeated the Empyrean Sentinel.

Once More With Feeling (15 points):
Completed the mission “Return of Captain Chef”.

Do Shoot the Messenger (10 points):
Delivered Zarpedon’s message.

The Gun In The Stone (20 points):
Removed Excalibastard from the stone.

Who You Gonna Call? (15 points):
Completed the “Sub-Level 13″ missions with 3 other players.

Guardian Guardian (15 points):
Saved the Guardians from the Scav Poachers.

Modern Fart (15 points):
Completed the mission “To Arms”.

Rocketeer (20 points):
Launched 4 rockets from Elpis.

Super Secret Stash (20 points):
Opened Zarpedon’s Chest.

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