Bloodborne – So farmen Sie die besten Blood Gems (Guide)


bloodborne blood gems farming guide 01

Blood Gems können in Bloodborne benützt werden, um im Workshop (Werkstatt) Waffen zu verbessern. Diese Blutedelsteine sind in Truhen zu finden, können aber auch in Chalice Dungeons (von Feinden) gefunden werden. Mitunter werden Sie auch fallengelassen, nachdem Sie Feinde besiegt haben.

Ein Reddit-Nutzer namens nagamasaarai hat den folgenden Guide zusammengestellt, der Ihnen dabei helfen wird, die besten Blood Gems im Spiel zu „farmen“.

Introduction: After a lot of farming in depth five dungeons, I decided to make a list of where you can farm top tier gems. The following dungeons utilize first boss farming. To be considered a good farming spot, the boss needs to be fairly easy, give high tier gems and the lever to open the boss doors should most often be close to the lamp-- Thus making it very ideal for farming. The gems are all cursed, and can have any of the following negative effects [Einleitung: Nachdem ich in Dungeons mit Tiefe (depth) fünf reichlich gefarmt hatte, entschloss ich mich, eine Liste jener Orte zusammenzustellen, an denen Sie die besten Edelsteine (top tier gems) farmen können. In den folgenden Dungeons ist „first boss farming“ möglich. Um als guter Farming-Ort zu gelten, muss der Boss ziemlich leicht zu besiegen sein, wertvolle Edelsteine (high tier gems) einbringen und der Hebel, mit dem das Bosstor geöffnet wird, sollte sich zumeist in der Nähe der Lampe befinden. Ein solcher Ort ist ideal fürs Farming. Alle Edelsteine sind verflucht und können jeden der folgenden negativen Effekte haben]:

  • WPN Durability Down - between (-58.5-63)

  • ATK DOWN - between (8.2-8.8%)

  • Increases stamina costs between (2.8-3.5)

  • ATK vs Beasts Down between (-5.5-12%)

  • ATK vs the Kin Down -between (-5.5-12%)

  • HP continues to decrease -between (1-9)

I will only be posting gems that have dropped for me. If I dont list a tier 20 gem on a certain boss, then it doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't drop. In fact, it probably does, but at an extremely low rate. Also, I wont be posting the negative effects of each gem, since every cursed gem can have any of the above stated negative effects. Also, I will be updating along the way, as I find more (when I have time to farm). [Ich werde nur Edelsteine posten, die ich selbst erhalten habe. Wenn ich bei einem bestimmten Boss keinen Tier 20 Edelstein aufliste, bedeutet das nicht unbedingt, dass er nicht erscheint/fallengelassen wird. Vermutlich wird er auftauchen, nur eben sehr selten. Außerdem werde ich nicht die negativen Effekte eines jeden Edelsteins anführen, da jeder verfluchte Edelstein (cursed gem) jeden der oben erwähnten negativen Effekte haben kann. Außerdem wird es Updates geben (sofern ich Zeit habe zu farmen).]


Check out this dungeon and farm first boss: 5pwujscd (By VictoolF91).

Location: Isz Root.

Rites: Cursed, Foetid, Rotten.

Der erste Boss in diesem Dungeon sind die Watchers. Sie sind ziemlich leicht zu besiegen. Pariren Sie einfach die ersten beiden und töten Sie den dritten mit „charge attacks“.

Cursed Arcane Damp Blood Gem (6) Stats: (These doesn't drop too often, but when they do, thank RNGjesus and equip them).

  • Rating 17: Arcane ATK up 25.3%

  • Rating 18: Arcane ATK up 26.3%

  • Rating 19: Arcane ATK up 27.2%

Cursed Tempering Damp Blood Gem (6) (Triangle) Stats:

  • Rating 17: Physical ATK up 25.3%

  • Rating 18: Physical ATK up 26.3%

  • Rating 19: Physical ATK up 27.2%

Cursed Fool's Damp Blood Gem (6) (Triangle) Stats:

  • Rating 19:

  • Main effect: ATK UP at full hp 29%

  • 1 of these Secondary effects : HP gradually depletes-9

Cursed Fire Damp Blood Gem (6) (Note: these gems are a rare drop from the Watchers. You are more likely to find them in lower loran root):

  • Rating 17: Fire ATK up 25.3%

  • Rating 18: Fire ATK up 26.3%

  • Rating 19: Fire ATK up 27.2%

Cursed Adept Damp Blood Gem (6)

  • Rating 19:

  • Main effect: Blunt ATK UP+32.6%


Check out this dungeon and farm first boss: pwmf22gu (by Lionhard70).

Location: Great Phtumeru Ihyll Root.

Rites: Cursed, Foetid, Rotten.

Der erste Boss sind Watchers. Sehr einfacher Boss, vor allem dann, wenn Sie ihn „cheesen“.

The following drops from this boss:

Cursed Tempering Damp Blood Gem (6) (Radial) Stats:

  • Rating 17: Physical ATK up 25.3%

  • Rating 18: Physical ATK up 26.3%

  • Rating 19: Physical ATK up 27.2%

These gems can also drop:

Cursed Fire Damp Blood Gem (6) (Note: these gems are a rare drop from the Watchers. You are more likely to find them in lower loran root):

  • Rating 17: Fire ATK up 25.3%

  • Rating 18: Fire ATK up 26.3%

  • Rating 19: Fire ATK up 27.2%

Cursed Poorman´s Damp Blood Gem (6) (Very rare drop from watchers)

  • Rating 19: Physical UP near death +36.3%


Check out this dungeon and farm first boss: enjids45 (by in-KASUGA-po).

Location: Lower Loran Root.

Rites: Cursed, Foetid, Rotten.

Der erste Boss ist ein Loran Silverbeast. Rüsten Sie sich mit einigen Clawmark Runen aus und rücken Sie ihm mit „visceral attacks“ zu Leibe. You will one shot him, since he is weak to visceral attacks. Very weak. Extremely easy and useful to farm.

The following Waning gems drops from this boss:

Cursed Fire Damp Blood Gem (6) Stats:

  • Rating 17:

  • Main effect: Fire ATK UP+22.3%

  • 1 of these Secondary effects : Add bolt ATK +13.5 / Add Fire ATK +13.5

  • Rating 18:

  • Main effect: Fire ATK UP+23.1%

  • 1 of these Secondary effects : Add bolt ATK +13.5-14 / Add fire ATK +13.5-14

  • Rating 19:

  • Main effect: Fire ATK UP+23.9%

  • 1 of these Secondary effects : Add bolt ATK +14 / Add fire ATK +14 / Add Rapid Poison Effect +3.3

Cursed Bolt Damp Blood Gem (6) Stats:

  • Rating 17:

  • Main effect: Bolt ATK UP+22.3%

  • 1 of these Secondary effects: Add bolt ATK +13.5 / Add fire ATK +13.5 / HP continues to recover +1

  • Rating 18:

  • Main effect: Bolt ATK UP+23.1%

  • 1 of these Secondary effects: Add bolt ATK +13.5-14 / Add fire ATK +13.5-14 / HP continues to recover +1-2

  • Rating 19:

  • Main effect: Bolt ATK UP+23.9%

  • 1 of these Secondary effects: Add bolt ATK +14 / Add fire ATK +14 / HP continues to recover +1-3

These gems can also drop, and are slightly more rare than bolt and fire:

Cursed Dirty Damp Blood Gem (6) Stats:

  • Rating 17:

  • Main effect: Add rapid poison effect+17.8 (or sometimes rarely: Add slow poison +14.8)

  • 1 of these secondary effects: Hp continues to recover +1 / boosts rally potential +2.9%

  • Rating 18:

  • Main effect: Add rapid poison effect +18.4 (or sometimes rarely: Add slow poison +15.4) 1 of these secondary effects: Hp continues to recover +1-2 / add slow poison effect +2.9 / ATK VS beasts up 5%

  • Rating 19: This hasn't dropped for me yet, but I guess you can infer the stats of what it will be, based on the other ones.

Cursed Tempering Damp Blood Gem (6) (Waning) Stats:

  • Rating 17:

  • Main effect: Physical ATK up 22.3%

  • 1 of these secondary effects: Add slow poison effect +2.7%

  • Rating 18:

  • Main effect: Physical ATK up 23.1&

  • 1 of these secondary effects: Add fire ATK +13.5-14

  • Rating 19: This hasn't dropped either.


Check out this dungeon and farm first boss: diryie74 (By Pontaro-_-).

Location: Great Phtumeru Ihyll Root.

Rites: Cursed, Foetid, Rotten.

Der erste Boss in diesem Dungeon ist ein Phtumerian Elder. Dieser Typ isz ziemlich leicht abzuwehren und Sie können ihm ziemlich viel Schaden zufügen, wenn sich mit einer Clawmark Rune ausstatten. Sie sollten mit diesem Typen keine allzu großen Probleme haben.

The following drops from this boss:

Cursed Tempering Damp Blood Gem (6) Stats:

  • Rating 19:

  • Main effect: Physical atk up 21.8%

  • Secondary effect: Add Physical ATK +8.4

Cursed Tempering Abyssal Blood gem (6) (extremely rare) Stats:

  • Rating 20:

  • Main effect: Physical atk up 22.5%

  • Secondary effect: Atk vs open foes up 5.6%

Haven't farmed this one so much, but you get the idea of what sort of gems drop. [Habe diesen Dungeon nicht oft gefarmt, aber Sie erhalten eine ungefähre Vorstellung davon, welche Arten von Edelsteinen fallengelassen werden.]

List is not finished, and if people want to contribute to this list, then I wouldn't mind editing this post. Need the following info on bosses to farm these types of gems (only high tier):

  • Circle gems

  • Droplet gems

  • Arcane add+ (as main stat)

  • Physical add+ (as main stat)

  • Arcane ATK UP+ and Physical add+ as secondary

These last 2 gem types are very useful for weapons that can scale off both elementals and physical (such as BoM or Burial Blade for instance). So if anyone got a consistent way of farming high tier versions of these gems from a boss, let me know. I haven't had too much time trying to farm all kinds of bosses to see what they drop, so I would appreciate some help from community to contribute.

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