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Ragnarok Odyssey: Das neue Rollenspiel der Schöpfer von Lunar erscheint heuer für die Vita

Publisher XSEED Games gab gestern bekannt, dass Ragnarok Odyssey noch heuer für die PlayStation Vita herauskommen wird.

Das Rollenspiel wurde von Game Arts entwickelt, dem Unternehmen, das für die von den Kritikern geschätzten und wirklich gelungenen Serien Lunar und Grandia verantwortlich zeichnet. Deshalb ist dies eine freudige Nachricht für alle Fans japanischer Rollenspiele.

XSEED beschreibt das Spiel wie folgt:

An action-heavy RPG set in the lush landscape of the familiar Ragnarok Online universe, Ragnarok Odyssey is a fast-paced game with a heavy emphasis on melee combat. The game is set in a world where humans and giants are pitted against each other in battle following the death of the world's ancient gods. Based on Norse Mythology, the world of Ragnarok Odyssey will begin to take form as players advance through the story, with new areas opening up as their journey goes on.

In Ragnarok Odyssey, players will embark on a campaign to take down monsters and giants of massive scale, and characters can chain together massive combo attacks both on the ground and in the air thanks to the game's extremely versatile combat system. Massive enemies can literally be smacked across the screen, and players can even up their speed and agility at the expense of HP for particularly challenging battles. On top of this, the game promotes cooperative gameplay, supporting up to four players for ad-hoc and online cooperative gameplay.

Characters in Ragnarok Odyssey are fully customizable, and players are given the ability to choose from up to six job classes that can be changed throughout the game for specific quests. As quests are completed, characters can be upgraded to increase their combat effectiveness.

Klingt doch gut, oder? Sehr Monster Hunter-artig. Ein Hurra für mehr JRPGs!

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