Dishonored: Haben Sie Probleme mit dem heimlichen Vorgehen? Dieser Guide von Bethesda könnte Ihnen helfen!


dishonored sneak guide 01

Arkane StudiosDishonored ist seit ein paar Wochen erhältlich, weshalb viele Spieler wohl schon zu neuen Titeln aufbrechen und dieses Stealth-Action-Spiel langsam vergessen. Allerdings! Dishonored wartet mit einem mehr oder weniger geheimen Wert namens Chaos aus. Dieser statistische Wert bleibt dem Spieler bis zum Ende einer Mission verborgen. Einige Teile des Systems sind weitgehend unentdeckt geblieben, was etliche Spieler frustriert.

Da es Achievements dafür gibt, dass man das Spiel erfolgreich beendet, ohne entdeckt zu werden, und außerdem eine Anzeige (Meter) vorhanden ist, die mit der Schleichfähigkeit (Sneaking Ability) zusammenhängt, sah sich Publisher Bethesda veranlasst, genauer zu erklären, wie diese doch etwas seltsame und ziemlich geheimnisvolle Mechanik im Spiel funktioniert. Außerdem gibt man den Spielern einige nützliche Ratschläge, um diese Mechanik bestmöglich zu nützen.

In diesem Forenbeitrag erläutert Bethesda alles, was man zum Verständnis dieser Mechanik wissen muss. Da seit dem Erscheinen des Eintrags schon zahlreiche Guides aufgetaucht sind, die darauf Bezug nehmen, scheinen die darin gegebenen Tipps Hand und Fuß zu haben. Hier sind die Textabschnitte die sich auf die Chaos Mechanik beziehen im Original:

Important information on Stealth Detection/Chaos

How do the detection markers work that appear over NPC (non-playable character) heads?

There are four levels of detection.

Level 1- One marker will appear on either side of the NPC – The NPC has caught a glimpse of your character or heard a non-threatening sound.

  • The NPC will not actively search.
  • The NPC will return to patrolling or idle after a few seconds without further alerts.

Level 2 - Two markers will appear on either side of the NPC – The NPC has seen your character or heard a threatening sound.

  • The NPC will actively search for a several seconds and up to a minute.
  • The NPC will return to level 1 after a about a minute or two without further alerts.

Level 3 – Three markers will appear on either side of the NPC, and they have not turned red. In this case, the NPC is very close to finding or being aware of your character’s presence.

  • The NPC will actively search, up to several minutes.
  • The NPC will return to level 2 after about a minute without further alerts.

Level 4 – Three markers will appear on either side of the NPC, and they turned red - The NPC has spotted your character and is actively engaging him.

  • The NPC will enter into combat and actively chase / attack.
  • This level will count as an official sighting of your character and will count against stealth-based achievements/trophies (i.e. Ghost, Specter).
  • If the NPC loses sight of your character, they will search for several seconds.
  • The NPC will return to level 2 after a few minutes without further alerts.

Which characters and creatures count towards detection of your character?

  • All characters and creatures with the exception of friendly characters, Rats, River Krust, Hagfish and Watchtowers, count as detecting your character (evidenced by the red bolt icons upon detection).
  • Friendly characters will turn into a detection if they see your character do anything aggressive/hostile (kill someone, be hostile towards the NPC, carry a dead/subdued body, etc.). They will gain the red bolts when this happens.

How does the Chaos system work? How do I raise or lower the Chaos level that is displayed on the end mission stats screen?

  • Chaos is a value that is adjusted according to the actions of your character during gameplay. This system is a hidden mechanic and you will only see the Chaos rating displayed during the ‘end mission’ Stats screen.
  • Weepers do count for detection. They do raise the Chaos level if they are killed.
  • Kills by Rewired traps will contribute to your kill amounts and Chaos; that’s Watchtowers, Arc Pylons, and Wall of Lights.
  • Rats, Hagfish and River Krust do not raise Chaos if killed. They also do not count towards detection of your character.
  • Wolfhound kills do not count towards Chaos, but they can detect your character and will count towards that. They can also discover bodies, as well as their corpse will count towards “bodies found”.
  • Your character’s Chaos level will change the story outcome and lead to other various differences throughout gameplay, such as more enemy characters, more rats, or different scenes/environment items and conversations.
  • Basic rule is killing less than 20% of the characters in a Mission should allow the Low Chaos rating to be sustained.

How do I lower the Chaos rating?

  • The best method for regaining a Low Chaos rating is to not kill enemy characters and take stealth routes to avoid combat when playing through a mission.
  • There are scenarios where performing a good deed will drop the Chaos rating by a small amount (Example: saving a character that is in distress).
  • Following “Non-lethal” objectives will decrease chaos by a significant amount when the mission is completed.

I’m getting stats for bodies being found or killed when I’ve rendered NPCs unconscious, why?

  • Not hiding bodies well enough after choking them out or sleep darting them can sometimes lead to other characters finding them.
  • Unconscious characters won’t survive a fall from a great height, or a slip into the water which will also result in a kill towards your character stats

Dishonored erschien am 12. Oktober für PC, PS3 und Xbox 360. Das Spiel verkauft sich nach wie vor sehr gut. 

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