Das Neueste

Massenentlassungen bei Zynga


zynga massenentlassungen 01

Das Unternehmen, dem die Welt FarmVille verdankt, wurde gerade ein wenig kleiner. Zynga, der Entwickler einer erklecklichen Zahl von Social Games, der seit einiger Zeit in gröberen Schwierigkeiten steckt, entließ heute 520 Mitarbeiter — 18% der gesamten Belegschaft. Das Ziel: Konzentration auf Mobilspiele.

"None of us ever expected to face a day like today, especially when so much of our culture has been about growth“, meinte CEO Mark Pincus in einem heute veröffentlichten Unternehmensmemo. "But I think we all know this is necessary to move forward."

Einem Bericht von AllThingsD zufolge schließt Zynga außerdem seine Büros in New York, Dallas und LA.

Der weltweit bekannte große Produzent von Social Games wie FarmVille und Words With Friends hat seit geraumer Zeit mit finanziellen Problemen zu kämpfen. Zynga gab $210 Millionen aus, um Draw Something zu kaufen, ein Spiel, das sofort floppte, und man hat enorme Schwierigkeiten, Mittel und Wege zu finden, wie man an den selbst produzierten Facebook Spielen verdienen kann. Im letzten Sommer stürzte der Kurs der Zynga Aktien ab und das Unternehmen konnte sich von diesem Rückschlag bis heute nicht wirklich erholen.

Hier ist das vollständige Memo, das Pincus heute an alle Mitarbeiter versandte:

To our Zynga Community,

Today is a hard day for Zynga and an emotional one for every employee of our company. We are saying painful goodbyes to about 18% of our Zynga brothers and sisters. The impact of these layoffs will be felt across every group in the company.

None of us ever expected to face a day like today, especially when so much of our culture has been about growth. But I think we all know this is necessary to move forward. The scale that served us so well in building and delivering the leading social gaming service on the Web is now making it hard to successfully lead across mobile and multiplatform, which is where social games are going to be played.

These moves, while hard to face today, represent a proactive commitment to our mission of connecting the world through games. Mobile and touch screens are revolutionizing gaming. Our opportunity is to make mobile gaming truly social by offering people new, fun ways to meet, play and connect. By reducing our cost structure today we will offer our teams the runway they need to take risks and develop these breakthrough new social experiences.

Because we’re making these moves proactively and from a position of financial strength, we can take care of laid off employees. We’re offering generous severance packages that reflect our appreciation for all of their work and we hope this will provide a foundation as they pursue their next professional steps.

Although these are hard decisions, I’m confident that our strategy of building leading franchises and supporting them with the largest network is the right one for the long term. I’m encouraged by our recent progress. Running With Friends is a great example of the quality player experience we can deliver, already receiving an average 4.5 app star rating from 22,000 players in less than one month after launching. Our FarmVille franchise teams continue to innovate and deliver ground breaking new social experiences like County Fair which, despite only being available on the web, is engaging 39 million monthly players.

I want to thank every one of you for the spirit, creativity and energy that you’ve invested in Zynga. You’ve reintroduced a generation of people to gaming and through these games offered them new ways to connect with their families, make new friends and even sometimes find love.

Everyone will be affected by these changes and I’m sure there will be many follow up questions to this email. If you have specific questions relating to your project or team, please talk to your manager. For any other feedback or thoughts feel free to email me directly.

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