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Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty! - Cheats und Tipps


Oddworld Abe’s Oddysee – New ‘n’ Tasty Cheats und Tipps 01

Hier auf der Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty finden Sie Informationen zu allem, was dieses Remake eines Oddworld Klassikers an Besonderheiten, Freischaltbarem und Geheimem zu bieten hat.

In Abe’s Oddysee schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle von Abe, einer seltsamen Kreatur, die für die bösen Rupture Farms Sklavenarbeit verrichten muss. Als es den geldgierigen Managern des Unternehmens zu mühsam wird, lediglich die Arbeitskraft dieser Kreaturen auszubeuten, entschließen sie sich, Abe und seine Artgenossen zu zermahlen und sie zu einem ganz neuen Snack zu verarbeiten. Schleichen Sie sich durch die tödlichen Fabriken, ergreifen Sie von Wachen Besitz und furzen Sie nach Leibeskräften, um sich und Ihre Artgenossen zu retten.

Schauen Sie immer wieder einmal vorbei, denn es wird Updates geben.

Cheats und Tipps

Updates folgen.

Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty! – 15 Ways to Kill Abe Trophy Guide (15 Arten, Abe zu töten)

Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty! – Nine-Tenths of the Law Trophy Guide

Achievements / Trophäen

Against All Odds (Platinum)
Mudokon God, Mudokon Saviour

Disciple of Odd (Bronze)
Rescue a quarter of all the Mudokons

Shepherd of Odd (Silver)
Rescue half of all the Mudokons

Prophet of Odd (Silver)
Rescue every Mudokon while finishing New ‘n’ Tasty in Easy mode

Saviour of Odd (Gold)
Rescue every Mudokon while finishing New ‘n’ Tasty in Normal mode

Odd Messiah (Gold)
Rescue every Mudokon while finishing New ‘n’ Tasty in Hard mode

No Place Like Home (Silver)
Find and use all the secret entrances to RuptureFarms

Act of Odd (Bronze)
Kill 99 Mudokon slaves

Speed of the Mudomo (Bronze)
Escape 5 or more pursuing Paramites

Speed of the Mudanchee (Bronze)
Run from a Scrab for 25 meters and survive

Close Shave (Bronze)
Escape a Scrab by the skin of your loins

Hit the Deck (Bronze)
As a possessed Slig, fire over the head of a cowering Mudokon

Still Life (Gold)
Escape Stockyards and Free Fire Zone without triggering the alarm or dying

Mine Games (Bronze)
Deactivate 3 toggle mines in a row with no mistakes

Close Encounters of the Slig Kind (Bronze)
Kill a Slig with any kind of mine

Cooked To Perfection (Bronze)
Destroy a Chant Suppressor with a cooked grenade

Odds and Rockers (Bronze)
Bounce a rock off a wall and on to a mine

Under New Management (Bronze)
Drop 2 Sligs down a single trapdoor at the same time

Don’t Get Mad: Get Elum (Bronze)
Ride Elum for 200 meters without stopping

Nine-Tenths of the Law (Bronze)
Kill 9 Sligs with a single possessed Slig

A Long, Hard Slog (Bronze)
Kill 30 Slogs in 30 seconds

Rockin’ Mudokon (Bronze)
Kill a bat with a rock

Escape Fartist (Bronze)
Escape from RuptureFarms without Abe being spotted by any Slig

Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear? (Bronze)
Have Abe die in 15 different ways

RuptureFarms: Now Hiring! (Silver)
Kill Sligs in 15 different ways

New ‘n’ Hasty (Gold)
Rescue every Mudokon with an overall Best Time of 3:00:00 or less

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