Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham – Cheats und Tipps


Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Cheats und Tipps 01

Retten Sie mit der Justice League und mit Hilfe der auf der Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Cheats Seite versammelten Tipps die Galaxie vor der Zerstörung. Neben den Guides und anderen Informationen, die ich Ihnen zu vielen Spielen biete, gibt es diesmal, da es sich um ein Lego Spiel handelt, auch wieder echte Cheat Codes.

Nachdem man Gotham vor den Machenschaften von Joker und Lex Luthor bewahrte, taucht Brainiac auf, um die ganze Stadt zu stehlen, ehe er ins Weltall entschwebt. Die Zusammenarbeit mit der Justice League und der Kampf gegen alle möglichen intergalaktischen Bedrohungen sorgen dafür, dass man in dieser Fortsetzungen in so gut wie jeden Winkel des DC-Universums vordringt. Sogar Adam West hat einen Gastauftritt!

Cheats und Tipps

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Lego Batman 3 - Donut Discoverer Achievement / Trophy Guide

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham – Character & Red Brick Cheat Codes

Liste der Achievements

Pursuers in the Sewers (20 points):
Complete Level 1 – Pursuers in the Sewers.

Breaking BATS! (20 points):
Complete Level 2 – Breaking BATS!

Space suits you, Sir! (20 points):
Complete Level 3 – Space suits you, Sir!

Space Station Infestation (20 points):
Complete Level 4 – Space Station Infestation.

The Big Grapple (20 points):
Complete Level 5 – The Big Grapple.

The Lantern Menace (20 points):
Complete Level 6 – The Lantern Menace.

Europe Against It (20 points):
Complete Level 7 – Europe Against It.

Big Trouble in Little Gotham (20 points):
Complete Level 8 – Big Trouble in Little Gotham.

Power of Love (20 points):
Complete Level 9 – Power of Love.

A Blue Hope (20 points):
Complete Level 10 – A Blue Hope.

Jailhouse Nok (20 points):
Complete Level 11 – Jailhouse Nok.

All the Rage (20 points):
Complete Level 12 – All the Rage.

Need for Greed (20 points):
Complete Level 13 – Need for Greed.

Aw-Qward Situation (20 points):
Complete Level 14 – Aw-Qward Situation.

Breaking the Ice (20 points):
Complete Level 15 – Breaking the Ice.

Same Bat-time! Same Bat-channel! (50 points):
Complete Bonus Level – Same Bat-time! Same Bat-channel!

Bat’s all, folks (70 points):
Witness the 100% LEGO Stud Fountain.

True Hero (20 points):
Attain True Hero status in any level.

An Unearthly Likeness (20 points):
Play as Batman (Zur-En-Arrh).

Bane and Gain (20 points):
Transform Bane into Bane (Venom-Powered).

Beings from the 5th Dimension (20 points):
Set both Free Play characters as Bat-Mite and Mr. Mxyzptlk.

Doughnut Discoverer (20 points):
Find and destroy a hidden doughnut on a hub planet.

Everyone Loves Bouncing (20 points):
Jump on bouncy objects 50 times.

Glide on Time (30 points):
Glide continuously for 10 seconds.

Hard Traveling Heroes (20 points):
Set both Free Play characters as Green Arrow and Green Lantern.

Hey Diddle Diddle (30 points):
Find a gang of jumping cows on the Moon.

Intruder alert! Intruder alert! (20 points):
Play as The Riddler in the Batcave Trophy Room.

Loontern’s Space Race (20 points):
Complete any hub race as Green Loontern.

Mirror… MIRROR! (30 points):
Create a custom character.

Nok Nok! (20 points):
Knock out your buddy on the planet Nok.

New Queens of Crime (20 points):
Set both Free Play characters as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.

Now THAT’S impressive! (20 points):
Find and destroy a hidden Riddler Trophy.

One Giant Leap for (Bat)Man-kind (50 points):
Visit all of the HUB Lantern Planets.

One Small Step for (Bat)Man… (20 points):
Visit the Moon Base in the Hub.

SHAZAM! (20 points):
Transform from Billy Batson into Shazam!

Super Buddies (20 points):
Set both Free Play characters as Booster Gold and Blue Beetle.

Super Pets (20 points):
Set both Free Play characters as Ace the Bat-Hound and Krypto.

The Bright Knight (40 points):
Play as Adam West.

The Green Room (30 points):
Find the hidden celebrity party.

Under the Red Brick (50 points):
Turn on all Red Brick Extras at the same time.

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