Mod verwandelt DOTA 2 in einen Third-Person-Shooter


Wissen Sie was? Ich werde Dota 2 vielleicht wirklich spielen, wenn es zu einem Third-Person-Shooter wird.

Wir sollten nicht davon ausgehen, dass Valve Dota 2 je in ein komplett neues Genre übertragen wird, aber das macht nichts, denn Modder BMD_ hat dem Unternehmen die Arbeit abgenommen.

BMD_ bewerkstelligte dies sogar, indem er richtige Dota 2 Werkzeuge und die Original-Game-Engine benützte, as wie er auf reddit sagte.

I did completely blow away and recreate my own keyboard/mouse control system instead of using the built in Dota controls. I created my own system of motion that allows me do to things like have characters jump and strafe, and turn at an infinite rate. In fact, no unit orders are given at all in the game, nor are any hero abilities or items used. This library has been made available for anyone to use in their mod, and you can see some examples of it in action at
The camera controls are extremely hacked-in (but functional), and you can probably see in the video that each player has to select a flying enigma unit at the start which I detect and then use as the object to point the camera at. There is no facility currently available for me to manually reposition the camera except by locking the camera to the created “camera” unit, which results in some unfortunate limitations.”

Der Modder plant netterweise, alles zu veröffentlichen, was er gemacht hat, damit andere Leute es verwenden können.

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