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Dark Souls II in unter einer Stunde durchgespielt


dark souls 2 speedrun 01

In 59:15, um genau zu sein, und dem erfolgreichen Speedrunner Allakazzaror zufolge ist dies ein neuer Weltrekord – der erste Run unter einer Stunde -, und das, ohne Glitches auszunützen.

Der Run fällt in die "current patch, glitchless any%" Kategorie (es gibt viele, viele, viele Speedrun-Kategorien für dieses Spiel, wovon Sie sich hier überzeugen können), was bedeutet, dass man das Spiel so schnell wie möglich durchspielen muss, wie auch immer man das anstellt, allerdings ohne dabei „game breaking“ Glitches auszunützen. Klingt fair genug.

Hier ist eine nette kleine Zusammenfassung der Route, die Allakazzaror für diesen Run wählte, falls Sie es selbst ausprobieren möchten.

Und dies ist seine Zusammenfassung der Strategie, die er anwandte:

- Last Giant, Pursuer and Rotten1 went off with a hitch.
- DLC1 runthrough was the first clenching moment. I almost got killed picking up the Bonfire Ascetic. Had to heal, and got a bad fall into the Flynn's Ring room. Lost some time.
- Trying out some new strats, I decided to skip picking up the Chloranthy Ring.
- Off to Sentinels for the second Bonfire Ascetic, everything went swimmingly well. I even saved time.
- Rotten2.... I died. At this point, I was torn on whether or not to reset. In hindsight, I'm very glad that I didn't.
- Rotten3 and 4 went well.
- Dragonriders was the next clutch moment. Heading towards them, I messed up opening the two doors outside Nash's King's Door. In the fight, I got hit early, which threw off the Dragonriders' attacks. Lost some time...
- Mirror Knight used some new strats, involving an RTSR setup falling off the ladder by the elevator. I'm still torn on this strat, cuz I ended up losing time even with the RTSR, due to the elevator wait.
- Demon of Song was just perfect. The run to him, on the other hand... not as perfect. My previous PB wasted a lot of time here on a bad fight, so I still saved quite a bit of time.
- Enter Key to the Embedded. Velstadt went well. First try fog gate saved a lot of time here.
- Guardian Dragon... could have gone better. But it also could have gone much much worse... All things considered, it was acceptable.
- For Giant Lord, I miscalculated the damage needed for an RTSR setup, so I lost some time. This is an easy fix though, 32VGR instead of 35.
- Throne Watcher/Defender was easily the BIGGEST timesave I had, and I claimed just as much of that possible timesave as I could. That being said... I don't think I'll ever get another fight as good as this one.
- Nashandra, I just wanted to play it safe. The WR was in the bag, as long as I didn't fuck it up. I took it slow, lost a small amount of time, and left with a victory.

Und es ist durchaus möglich, bei künftigen Versuchen noch ein wenig Zeit einzusparen, denn der Run ist alles andere als fehlerfrei. Aber ich denke, dass dies bei einem Spiel dieser Größe durchaus verzeihlich ist.

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