Das Neueste

Ein Erdbeben zerstörte seine Kirche, weshalb er Sie in Minecraft nachbaute


minecraft christchurch church 01

Als der Spieleentwickler Chris Yee erfuhr, dass die Christchurch Cathedral abgerissen werden muss, entschloss er sich, sie nachzubauen. In einem Videospiel.

Die Kathedrale, die bei dem Erdbeben, von dem die neuseeländische Stadt Christchurch am 22. Februar erschüttert worden war, zum Teil zerstört wurde, muss abgetragen werden. Um ihr ein Andenken zu setzen, machte sich Yee darin, sie in Minecraft wiedererstehen zu lassen.

Yee schreibt dazu in seinem Blog:

Now, I'm not the first to actually try this. A team of NZ Minecraft enthusiasts did this about 11 months ago, the only difference it seems is that they did theirs entirely in survival mode. That means they had to make their materials. They took about 48 hours to finish and raised $1600 for the Earthquake Appeal, so props to them ^_^. Here's the site if you're interested to see their build.

I'm not looking to be recognised for this though. This is for the remembrance of an icon that has been a part of my life for the best part of… well, since I can first remember. I passed this place every day in my youth, when I walked through town, even at my last job when we were based in town. That day, February 22nd was a surreal day indeed, and when we all gathered in the Square, the realisation just hit, and hit hard.

Whether they manage to keep it and strengthen it, I don't know. A part of me wishes to keep it, but another says we need to bring it down. It's just not safe anymore, and will never be in her state. I do hope they preserve as much of the fascade as possible so that they can be integrated into the much stronger and stable design in the future. As long as we remember, then no catastrophe, no matter how large a scale will erase it.

Remembrance, Part 1 [WOFT]

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