Blizzard erklärt, warum neu gekaufte Diablo Spiele bis zu drei Tage lang nur eingeschränkt genutzt werden können


blizzard diablo 3 news 01

Blizzard beglückte die Spieler von Diablo III im Rahmen des Patches 1.0.3. vor kurzem mit einem neuem „Feature“, das dazu führt, dass alle, die das Spiel als rein digitale Kopie neu kaufen, dieses bis zu drei Tage lang nur sehr eingeschränkt spielen können. Falls Sie sich fragen, warum dies der Fall ist, lesen Sie sich bitte Blizzards Erklärung durch:

For security reasons and to help ensure the integrity of the game and auction house service, players who purchase the digital version of Diablo III may have to wait until payment verification is complete before they can access certain game features. (See below for a full list of restrictions associated with digital purchases.) While most payments are approved and restrictions are lifted within a day, in some cases it can take up to 72 hours to complete this process.

Similar to World of Warcraft, these restrictions were put in place to deter credit card fraud, which in turn helps reduce gold spam and other harmful activities that can have a negative impact on the game experience for everyone.

However, as an unintended consequence of these security measures, players who purchase the game digitally after patch 1.0.3 are temporarily being capped at level 13 and not able to proceed beyond Act I. We are working to correct this as soon as possible and will provide another update when we have more details to share.

Aside from the two unintended restrictions noted above, below are the standard security-related restrictions that will be in place for digital purchases until payment verification is complete:

· No public game access for unverified digital purchasers

· No auction house access (real-money or gold) for unverified digital purchasers

· Unverified digital purchasers cannot trade items or drop items for other players to receive

· Unverified digital purchasers are not able to chat in any public or game channels

· Unverified digital purchasers cannot attach a custom message to friend requests, but they can send/accept friend requests, and play with their friends

· Global Play is not available for unverified digital purchasers

Again, we want to be perfectly clear that these are temporary restrictions (often lifted within a day and at most 72 hours) associated with digital purchases for the protection of players. We appreciate player feedback and will continue to evaluate the best methods for ensuring a positive game experience for everyone.

Ich möchte ausdrücklich darauf hinweisen, dass es sich bei Diablo III um ein Spiel handelt, das überwiegend im Einzelspielermodus gespielt wird. So wird es Blizzard wohl nicht gelingen, uns davon zu überzeugen, dass es cool ist sich permanent an ihre Online-Infrastruktur anzuschließen.

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